Right this second

13 Juillet 2011
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I just realized the Eurovision finale is this week-end! :dowant:Can't wait to watch the cheesiest song contest ever!
12 Janvier 2014
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mooi;4723516 a dit :
@matie : he is not English and at the begining his English level was not that good but he improved a lot.

At first I was affraid how we could speak about deep feelings or very specific subjects and I worried how we could have sex in another language!. But since he improved a lot it's ok now.

But you're in Cardiff so you have many opportunities to meet English guys. ;)

Ce contenu est réservé aux membres inscrit.es. Inscris-toi par ici.

New Zealand ? :chat:

Awww that's so cute ?

Actually once I had sex several time in English, when I had sex again with a french FFriend, I started speaking in english :facepalm:
11 Octobre 2006
3 679
rosenrot_;4723394 a dit :
I just realized the Eurovision finale is this week-end! :dowant:Can't wait to watch the cheesiest song contest ever!

The Eurovision is the most gloriously ridiculous tv show of our time, and that's why it's so delightful. :cretin:
12 Janvier 2014
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mooi;4723540 a dit :
@matie : Aha I understand! I'm sometime lost between English and French !

@palomma and @rosenrot_ : I'm sure France is going to win this year !!! We have such a great song ! :rockon::rire:

What song is it this year ? :fleur:
11 Octobre 2006
3 679
@Mooi , The singer look like a poor man's Jedward (and I can't believe the chorus, " Mais moi j'voulais une moustache !" are they serious ?! :yawn:
13 Juillet 2011
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mooi;4723540 a dit :
I'm sure France is going to win this year !!! We have such a great song ! :rockon::rire:
OMG I just watched the video you linked... :oo::yawn:

I have to say I usually don't listen to the songs before the finale, it's nice to be surprised on the D day. And what a surprise...!

And I always support Moldova, regardless of who is representing it. If you don't, I'm afraid we cannot get along, and I don't want to have anything to do with you. :drama: Moldova is just the best, deal with it.
13 Juillet 2011
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@Mrs Heisenberg : Your mémoire is about The Hunger Games? :puppyeyes: Would you mind to tell a bit more about it?
12 Janvier 2014
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@Higreq Studying english,spanish and japanese, being in an english speaking country, this is basically how I feel everyday of my life so far :lunette:

@Mrs Heisenberg Waw, that is so unusual ! ? Will it be possible to read it somewhere when you're finished with it ? :chat:
A friend of mine is currently writing a mémoire about Shakira so there's nothing much left that could surprise me XD
12 Janvier 2014
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shinypony;4724916 a dit :
matie;4724819 a dit :
A friend of mine is currently writing a mémoire about Shakira so there's nothing much left that could surprise me XD
The mémoire could be resumed in one sentence :
"She has the more fabulous body ever"

(She's my first fantasm ever, I was 11 and she was staring me, half naked :bave: )(I wanted to have her body, childdream :tears: )

Ce contenu est réservé aux membres inscrit.es. Inscris-toi par ici.

She's damn beautiful that's right. I like Beyoncé better, tho.
[Hey @xMonochrome :winky:]

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