Right this second

5 Décembre 2007
2 538
3 346
5 179
Edmonton, Canada
Hiya! :paillettes:
I'm so glad to see such a topic on madmoizelle.com! It's a good way to practice our English! And I like reading/speaking English but I have not so many possibilities to do it recently. I feel myself happier just speaking English, it's so weird. I don't know really why. Maybe it's because English is linked with travels, other cultures and I enjoy it a lot.
Et voila, that was what came to my mind right this second. :shifty:
13 Juillet 2011
2 954
20 900
5 694
@ShinyPony :


Why don't you feed me and scratch my back instead? :fouet:
8 Février 2009
1 544
4 409
4 994
Please please please winter, come back ! It's too hot here, and we are only in May :goth:

I think tomorrow I will get (do?) my very first piercing :paillettes:
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
I feel like this topic has become a tad less popular since it is rated as an "important" topic :hesite:
Or maybe it's just me :hesite:

Just came back from the gym, felt really good exercising today, and I fulfilled all of my objectives, I'm proud of myself :dowant:

My crush texted me at that moment, he wanted to see me this afternoon. I replied a bit sadistically :winky: and told him I'd better see him in the evening !

His answer : 'Okay so I can do my work'

He was considering seeing me instead of doing work :puppyeyes:
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
mooi;4729800 a dit :
You can go to Iceland just to buy groceries ? Iceland... the country ?
But where do you live !!!! :oo:

How can anybody think you're stupid or ugly ? You're a Madz !!! You're special : everybody knows we are all beautiful and smart ! :drama:

I think it's more because the topic is not new anymore.

It's all gonna be ok ! You live with your boyfriend husband for a long time so they can't say you're just looking for the green card. :fleur:


I haven't done anything today (again) so I'll be on the rush on sunday to finish my fucking master thesis... :facepalm:
But for now I'm with my boyfriend and we are going to have a very dinner watching the last episode of Game of Thrones... :paillettes:

Iceland is a shop brand's name in UK :) They sell mainly frozen food.

And I don't know, because ECM is much more popular than this topic and not rated as "important" as well o_O
17 Octobre 2013
1 214
I'm slowly starting again to hang out at night after what happened to me one month ago.
Tonight I went to an electro / minimal wave concert with a friend. I talked to a few people I didn't knew before, I had a beer, I danced a bit. I felt really fine.

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I think I'm on the good way.
Dernière édition :
17 Octobre 2013
1 214
Almost double post, sorry, but...

One of my closest friends, S. told me yesterday that she might go to a party tomorrow, the birthday of a guy, C., who studies in the architecture school where I studied myself for two years, two years ago. I know this guy, he dated a friend of mine for one year, and when we were in the same school we were used to talk to each other. But I don't know him more than this.
So S. told me that if she went to this party, I could come with her. But I know S., I think she'll stay at her place tomorrow, so I was mentally prepared to stay at home too.

But, surprise ! At the end of the afternoon, I met C., the guy who celebrates his birthday tomorrow, in the subway :cyclope: It's the first time I see him since two years. So we talked a little and he invited me himself to his birthday tomorrow. (It's really weird, isn't it ? I can't help thinking it's a weird trick of fate :hesite:)
I don't want to spend my Saturday evening all alone :goth:, so on one hand I want to go to the guy's birthday, but on the other hand I'll know nobody there except this guy if my friend S. doesn't come (and she surely won't).

I'm not bad at socializing, but there will be only (or almost only) guys, and they all know each other (or almost all). So I'm afraid of being a little bit shy :stare:

Whaaaaaat should I dooooo ?

(Okay, I'm stressing for really nothing :yawn:)
Dernière édition :


@ShinyPony Careful I'm going to be very helpful: I think with a jean jacket you sould wear a pretty white top if you have one. :fleur:

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@ShinyPony you can also take a cool necklace ! Do you what you're going to do with your hair
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 I'm sure you're going to be great at your date ! :icon_4laugh: (it's your first one that's it ?)

@Iscariot Your third one could be Madmoizelle :winky:


@Iscariot Haha :cretin: (what's the english for "Haha" by the way ?)
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Let's say something like movies or series ! Or are you looking for something more original ? :fleur:
Dernière édition :


shinypony;4730896 a dit :
Yep, first one and with a girl :halp:

I never wear jewelry :erf: I don't like it (I find it beautiful but uncomfortable)
And my hair I'll probably try to keep them free but i'll be annoyed and I'll just do a lazy bun :happy:

I should cut them but I'm too afraid not to be myself anymore without long hair :yawn:
Is it tonight ?

Oh I do the lazy bun all the time too :cretin: (except I know have short -and yes at the shoulders it's short :langue:)


Take a deep breath :jv: I'm sure you're so cool, everything going to be fine !

Have you already met her ? (sorry I'm maybe too curious :shifty:)

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