Right this second

Oy! Haven't been here in a while! :paillettes:

I made cornbread yesterday! The vegan recipe I've found is nice but it ain't perfect. I'm going to try to switch some flour for maïzena, and see if I can put in more soymilk. Or something else entirely.

I do like it though. It goes well with the apricot jam I bought, I'm chomping that stuff down quick. Which might be a tad strange - I think cornbread is usually eaten as a side with main dishes or something. I don't actually know my country's cooking so well. I just bake stuff. I'd like to know if better.
13 Juillet 2011
2 954
20 900
5 694
My plans for today are the animals, the animals, trapped, trapped, trapped 'til the cage is full, the cage is FULL the day is new, and everyone's waiting, waiting on you and youuuuu've gooot tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime !
So yeah, I'll be binge-watching the new season of Orange is the New Black.
9 Mars 2013
1 272
10 689
5 664
Packing some stuff for the week of exams ahead =
Step 1: easy peasy, I've done this a million times before. Trying to think of smart ways of combining colours and motifs in the very limited assortment of clothes I plan to bring with me.
Step 2: Realising that I'm going to live in a student room where there is no microwave, kettle, saucepan, cuttlery, pillow and bedding in general... What do I pack ? Do I actually pack a saucepan ? Does not packing one mean that I'll have to survive my examinations without drinking a truckload of tea ? I do actually need to pack a pillow, that huge, puffy, impractical bulging piece of fabric.
Step 3: balefully eyeing my collection of saucepans (either too big or plain crappy-everything-sticks-to-me-including-water-probably)
Step 4: giving up for a while and hiding from my saucepans by writing all this down.

:top: :happy: => :hesite: :eh: => :neutral: => :fear::ninja: = moi tonight


Je suis faillible, mais je suis capable.
18 Août 2010
16 457
91 573
7 169
Okay double-posting wth are you doing guys? :scream: :cretin:

So uh I should forget about this crush cause it ended pretty badly.. However I shall remember for the rest of my life that an American girl told me I have "such a cute accent" 8) :caprice:
@Tératogène :hugs: I didn't really follow the story about your crush, but I'm sorry it ended like that. :sad:

And yes, european folks have cute accents according to american folks :winky:

(It can actually get tiring after a while. Living there I often had people telling me that, and only that (and random strangers telling me that too, wtf folks) - thank you very much, but I am more than just a sexy person!)

Edit : I didn't meant to say that you shouldn't be happy to have a sexy accent :sad: I'm sorry. Your english must actually be really good for that.
  • Big up !
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