Packing some stuff for the week of exams ahead =
Step 1: easy peasy, I've done this a million times before. Trying to think of smart ways of combining colours and motifs in the very limited assortment of clothes I plan to bring with me.
Step 2: Realising that I'm going to live in a student room where there is no microwave, kettle, saucepan, cuttlery, pillow and bedding in general... What do I pack ? Do I actually pack a saucepan ? Does not packing one mean that I'll have to survive my examinations
without drinking a truckload of tea ? I do actually need to pack a pillow, that huge, puffy, impractical bulging piece of fabric.
Step 3: balefully eyeing my collection of saucepans (either too big or plain crappy-everything-sticks-to-me-including-water-probably)
Step 4: giving up for a while and hiding from my saucepans by writing all this down.




= moi tonight