Right this second

@Tératogène I've read what you wrote. I don't really know what to say. I'm here if you want to talk or anything else you would want or need. (And you're not an attention whore either, it's okay to feel sad and to need a hug and reassurances.)

And I'm sending you another hug.


I'm pretty sure lots of people have already told you that on ECM (I haven't read it all - that topic goes way too fast for me, especially at this time of the day) but still. And also you're a very nice person and I do wanna help if I can.

Ada or ardor

Get out my hay
6 Septembre 2010
4 406
29 990
5 894
Finally, I've found myself explaining my relationship with my ex-girlfriend (which is a mess) with a girl on okcupid (well, she asked about polyamory). The subject is weirdly easier in english !
Dernière édition :
28 Juillet 2014
Hey !

/!\ I can hurt your eyes because of my writting.

I don't have a good English, and I think that I must improve that. So I will follow this topic.
First of all, I've got a question : where could we buy English books ? I need to 1984 (by Orwell) and Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (by Stevenson)
  • Big up !
Réactions : AprilMayJune
14 Novembre 2014
6 315
29 196
2 284
Hey Everyone
I don't have a good english too .

@Forficule You can buy , english books in the bookstores or the store like La Fnac , otherwise you can find them on web (La Fnac.com, Amazone and others...)
Dernière édition :
  • Big up !
Réactions : AprilMayJune


Ambassadrice de Ville
15 Octobre 2012
62 464
296 397
10 404
Hey !

/!\ I can hurt your eyes because of my writting.

I don't have a good English, and I think that I must improve that. So I will follow this topic.
First of all, I've got a question : where could we buy English books ? I need to 1984 (by Orwell) and Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (by Stevenson)
Also, if you go to the Fnac (or at least some of them), they have some books which are half french, half english
  • Big up !
Réactions : AprilMayJune

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