Right this second

11 Juillet 2015
1 167
I don't, but what I find so damn annoying is when you have a word in english but you can't find a french translation
I know the feeling. I have this problem with two specific every day words in particular : aspirateur and passoire. (in fact, I had to search for passoire in my head, this one only ever shows up in my head in Italian for some reason -_-')
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Réactions : Adybou


Ambassadrice de Ville
15 Octobre 2012
62 464
296 397
10 404
Very true. When I read an English or American book, there are often words I do not understand. Sometimes when I seek in an online dictionnary, I do not find any french translation. They just say : This word is unknown. :lunette:
Yeah, there's that too, but I more meant like when you see an english word, you know what it means, but you can't find the french version, even if it would save your life ! :evil:
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Réactions : Ptit_Lili


Ambassadrice de Ville
15 Octobre 2012
62 464
296 397
10 404
I know (actually my brain tends to use 'hoover'), but I've sometimes spent ages trying to 'connect' the right parts of my brain for silly every day items like that, although I know the words but... brains are weird ^^
It's because it's a brand :vieux: even if to me, Hoover refers to Egard Hoover :lunette:
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Réactions : The Dean et Beezarre
11 Juillet 2015
1 167
It's because it's a brand :vieux: even if to me, Hoover refers to Egard Hoover :lunette:
Yeah, but that brand is so cute that sometimes I just nickname every hoover Henry :d

Hoover also refers to Edgar for me, actually. (Hoover refers to a few more things also, because my brain makes connections that just, don't, make, any, sense :facepalm: (Well, they do, but it's so far fetched sometimes...)


Ambassadrice de Ville
15 Octobre 2012
62 464
296 397
10 404
Indeed :rire: I happened to listen to her songs because of the article on madz about the singers from 00s
(and my mom used to listen to one of her records A LOT so that's a trip down the memory lane for me :happy:)
Now I want to do it too
But ... Replayyyy !
  • Big up !
Réactions : The Dean


Je suis faillible, mais je suis capable.
18 Août 2010
16 457
91 573
7 169
Okay so I come back here only to see unpunished double-postings. I SEE YOU [HASHTAG]#DoublePostingPolice[/HASHTAG]

Anyways hi guyzzz good to see you again here. I'm craving for chatting in English but I'm only surrounded by French-speaking people here and it's sososo annoying for me :cretin:
Let's wish for finding an internship with an English-speaking environment next time :pray:
11 Juillet 2015
1 167
@Tératogène I am NOT thanking you, my brain is severely overheating right now, and I haven't typed that fast in a very long time, and I can't get that stupid grin off my face :cretin: (that smiley is really well named, too)
  • Big up !
Réactions : Tératogène

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