Right this second

13 Juillet 2011
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@sunnyna The reason you never heard of "fatigue" is it doesn't have the same meaning as the French word "fatigue". They're actually false friends, although their meanings are similar! "Fatigue" in English describes a medical symptom. See also:
"What's the difference between tiredness and fatigue?
We all experience tiredness at times, which can be relieved by sleep and rest. Fatigue is when the tiredness is often overwhelming and isn't relieved by sleep and rest."
I don't know if it's entirely accurate to say "fatigue" can be caused by a cold, but it seems to me you used it right. :hesite: Otherwise, you can always use "tiredness" or "exhaustion" (= the feeling of having all you energy drained by an activity, or well, a disease).
Sorry for the Ms. Know-It-All moment, I like words. :lunette:

Anyhoooo I came here to say I really want to get into embroidering. I keep seeing some beautiful and funny artwork in feminist circles, and I've been collecting ideas for a while now, it's time to take that step. It would be perfect to add decoration to my home and pimp my clothing with witty phrases and funny drawings (I absolutely need (NEED) a UFO on my jean jacket). But I'm afraid all the projects that come to my mind are too complicated and I will fail miserably. :sweatdrop:
19 Juin 2014
3 610
4 864
@Rosenrot_ Thanks for your explanations ! I love English and I'm looking for all the ways I can find to improve my level, so please feel free to do your Ms. Know-It-All with me :)
I already knew tiredness and exhaustion, but probably because of my condition they didn't come in my mind :happy:


"Wolves have no king"
6 Août 2013
2 850
16 248
5 664
Hi y'all :hello:
It's been a while since I've written here but since we're talking about vocabulary, I love going on Urban Dictionary to learn about some slang language, the home page of the website also describes the words trending at the moment (that's how I just learned that a Shrödinger's Douchebag is a guy who says offensive things and decides if he is joking based on the reaction of people :lunette:). I think it is more funny than useful but I love this^^
I don't use Urban Dictionary a lot but I used to use it when I translated subtitles for videos about female rappers (I knew Cardi B before everyone else in France because of these videos, that girl is crazy but I kind of grew fond of her as I translated the videos :yawn:).

Anyway, thanks @Rosenrot_ for the Merriam-Webster link, that can be useful :top:
13 Juillet 2011
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Hello all! I feel like talking about my cat. :cretin: Lately, she jumps in the bathtub after I showered and calls me until I come see her. I run a thin trickle of water because I know cats like to drink from the tap.
Ce contenu est réservé aux membres inscrit.es. Inscris-toi par ici.

But my precious little baby isn't quite as gifted as the cat in the above gif. She… tries to catch the water trickle with her little paws or… to bite it?? Which is just totes adorbs. :loveeyes: But alas, ineffective.
You tried baby, I'm still proud of you. <3

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