Right this second

19 Juin 2014
3 610
4 864
I'm so angry with a girl from my class who is so negative! Nothing is good enough for her, and when she tries to manipulate the teachers to justify her absences, she uses me to tell them I didn't give her the informations (although I did it!). I hate to be on conflictual situations so I don't say much but it destroys me inside and fills me with so much anger, my belly is a big point of pain. I argue with her, speaking alone in my appartment, just to verbalize and get it out of me, but it's not enough, I had to share it somewhere!
19 Juin 2014
3 610
4 864
I've been brooding
Oh thanks for this new word I didn't know, it's so me :yawn: !
More seriously I don't have a solution...
I've heard we have to look beyond the problem, to project ourselves forward in the future, in a place where the problem is so old you don't care anymore because you have to focus on other stuff. And acting like you're already there. But hum let me know if it works for you because for me it's so hard to let it go !
Dernière édition :
19 Juin 2014
3 610
4 864
I have a big cold, and the skin of my nose is burning because of the all the time I have to blow it.
Usually I complain against my cold hands, but now I juste have to put my finger on my skin and it's a relief for my burning nose.
Argh I hate being ill, even if it's just a cold, I feel so limitated by my body and the fatigue (wow I discover it's the same word in French and in English, and I had never used it before ? So strange :hesite:) I can't do all the stuff I had planned to do.

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