Right this second

19 Juin 2014
3 610
4 864
@sarah la plus mieux :hello:

This weekend I finished a great book, My absolute darling from Gabriel Tallent, in French because I can't read books for adultes in English yet (my english is too young :fleur:). But I advise all of you to read it, it's captivating and create images I think I will keep in my mind for a while.
It's about an (abusive) relationship between a teenager and her dad, you have to be prepare to read it, but it won't let you unmoved.
13 Juillet 2011
2 954
20 900
5 694
My everyday curse: I'm very quiet. Sometimes I'll meet a neighbour, I'll say "hello" once but they don't hear me. So I repeat "hello" louder, but they still don't hear me. At this point I go about my business because I feel ridiculous enough and when they finally notice me, they go "hellooo" with a tone that implies I'm very impolite for not greeting them first. :lol: But I diiiiid! I swear I'm polite! :crying:

Ada or ardor

Get out my hay
6 Septembre 2010
4 406
29 990
5 894
Can I share my fascination for the youtube channel Ask a mortician ?

That's informative, with a scary creepy vibe :ninja:. She's so charismatic and witty and she has done a TED talk about ecology and death (with french subtitles available).

(TW sometimes there is a glimpse of corpses / mummies or remains in her videos)
Dernière édition :
14 Juillet 2016
2 889
Hi everyone !
I'm very new in this process of talking to people I don't know online. Just wondering, how many of you do live in an english speaking country at that time ?
I assume there must be people living in France and people living abroad but maybe I didn't read enough of this thread. I'm glad righting in english make me remember some vocabulary and I think reading you will help me improving it.
About this second (like, about the topic...) : I'm coming back from my holidays in Brittany (shitty weather at that time). I was on internship before and I need to read what corrections were suggested by my supervisors for my report... I really too much procrastinate on it because I don't want to dive again in my subject...
13 Juillet 2011
2 954
20 900
5 694
@Amaj I live in Germany but there are some people I speak English with, or I resort to English in certain situations where I can't fully express my ideas in German.
  • Big up !
Réactions : Saucisson.
13 Juillet 2011
2 954
20 900
5 694
This week-end is Heritage Days where I live, I went to visit a beautiful orthodox church in my area because I've always been intrigued to see what was inside, it's already so beautiful from the outside. Well, it's a lot smaller than I expected but still spectacular! :surprised: I also wanted to visit a place with old factories turned art galleries but my legs are so sore from exercising this week, I think I'll chill at home today and I'll try to do the visit tomorrow (plus, I think the guided tours are only tomorrow). :happy:
I think Heritage Days are next week in France, has anyone planned to visit some historical gems?

Ada or ardor

Get out my hay
6 Septembre 2010
4 406
29 990
5 894
Can I share my love for another youtuber ?
Contrapoints <3 <3
She's so intelligent and artsy and ughh.

(Yep I'm here again out of frustration, because I have no one to talk to when an anglophone youtuber is involved. A ma décharge her subtitles are on fleek :shifty:).

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