Right this second

14 Décembre 2012
1 134
tecumseh-sparrow-spivet;4718975 a dit :
You can do both :shifty:. I always listen to Céline Dion  great music when I cook, i'm sure it makes the food better.

You said Céline ?

Every night in my dreeeaaams, I see yoouu, I feeeeeel you
That is how I know you go on
Far across the distance, and spaces, betweeeen us
You have come to show you goooo on

I believe that may heart will
My heart will
Go on...

Sorry I can't help it :cretin:


tecumseh-sparrow-spivet;4718992 a dit :
shield;4718981 a dit :
How big is the flat?

Granted, it's probably too small. I've been told it really depends on the layout of the flat though. I don't know anything about this place except where it is.

Anyway, I'm not that serious about it. I have my own place and there's no cat here for a reason. Still, I'll have to mention it, if only because we like to pretend one of us is going to have a cat soon, however unrealistic it is :P
27 Décembre 2010
4 774
Good evening ladies :winky:
This topic is so awesome ! I'm totally in ! But I have a question, sorry if it was already said before. If somebody made a mistake, should we correct her ?


I just spoke with my penpal in Dubaï, she's learning me arabic in french and in english. I feel so smart now :lunette:
14 Décembre 2012
1 134
cottonmouth;4719026 a dit :
Good evening ladies :winky:
This topic is so awesome ! I'm totally in ! But I have a question, sorry if it was already said before. If somebody made a mistake, should we correct her ?

Only if she asks I guess :)
8 Février 2009
1 540
4 402
4 994
@iscariot Okay then, I've got a rendez vous with Andy Samberg!

Fajitas tiiiiime :dowant:

@cottonmouth Nope :hello:
14 Décembre 2012
1 134
trigger;4719090 a dit :
It's like a trashier Jerry Springer show, you knew it was even possible?

Ew, no... Do you know the name of this program ? I'd like to know a bit more about it...

Seems like reality shows on TV have no limits anymore (but have they already had limits ? :hesite:) and it's quite scarying, and why involving kids in it? That... trash, as you just said. And the audience.. Yeah. Certainly the most desperating part of those shows. As if they where going to the circus, even then I'm not sure they will treat the animal like that :facepalm:
14 Avril 2012
2 343
5 064
shield;4718981 a dit :
Upon quitting the game, I found out that my boyfriend has found a flat :joy: Plus, it's pretty close to his working place!

Aww, congrats to him ! :caprice:


Well, if I look back on what I did today, I have nothing to be proud of  :annoyed:. I'm beginning to feel a little bit desperate regarding my capacity to sustain an intellectual effort for more than two minutes :lunette:. So I'm giving up, I'm gonna face the fact that I'm nothing but a couch potato and go and watch TV at my mother's.

21 Septembre 2009
10 125
11 216
8 544
popoyaka;4719107 a dit :
trigger;4719090 a dit :
It's like a trashier Jerry Springer show, you knew it was even possible?

Ew, no... Do you know the name of this program ? I'd like to know a bit more about it...

Seems like reality shows on TV have no limits anymore (but have they already had limits ? :hesite:) and it's quite scarying, and why involving kids in it? That... trash, as you just said. And the audience.. Yeah. Certainly the most desperating part of those shows. As if they where going to the circus, even then I'm not sure they will treat the animal like that :facepalm:

About that, watch Black Mirror next thursday on France4, this episode will be about how far reality shows could go in a near future ! I've already seen it, it's really creepy.
14 Décembre 2012
1 134
@Hawley I've got the whole serie on my hard disk but I've never thought it really worth watching :red:

But I will fix this mistake soon, very soon, I promise ! :supermad:

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