MadmoiZelle speaks English

21 Septembre 2008
2 322
4 984
Hey girls! It's been a while I didn't come here!
But I'm back in a bad mood. I feel bad and I hate this!
I think I better go play some music ...
14 Janvier 2009
1 911
1 874
La Sauve
I really don't know what kind of english I speak... I write a lot, chatting on the internet with friends, but I don't talk enough to know ...

I'd like to be somewhere else. Anywhere, far from here u_u
28 Septembre 2008
2 189
As for me, i'm in High School, and i never had the possibility to speak with real english or american people, and i have two english teacher : one with an american accent and the other with an english accent, and i think my accent is more english, furthermore, i look Skins, and not Desperate Housewives =) may be it's the reason. Look, i'm bad in writing in english :s i'm better in talking.
Well, i hope i could come back here and made a big dissertation about my accent, one day, when i'll really speak English =D

(Look my wonderful school-transition : As for me, furthermore, Well... i'm ready for the big test (le bac ^^) !)
31 Août 2008
9 289
19 383
6 054
Have you ever heard of It's a community website, a kind of mini Madmoizelle :) created by New Look.

You have to apply on line, there is some questions as "who would you bring on a date" or "what do you think about fashion", that sort of stuff. And then, if you are lucky enough, you will receive an e-mail that confirm you can join the team.
Don't be feared, the selection, it's all fake! But, hey, it makes you feel unique and precious :d

A huge part of forums is dedicated to fashion, but it's a good way to improve your (and mine) english skills. I can remember that some madmoizelle were searching for Madmoizelle-like websites so.... :)

Edit : I can send invitation! If you want to apply, clic here, and then in the section where it says 'how did you hear about us', you say 'recommended by a friend' and write my full name (send me a MP (or PM?) to have my full name).
30 Août 2008
2 374
I guess I mostly speak British English. But, there are some words that I pronounce in the American way OR even in the Irish way.
Once, a girl told me I sounded Australian but...I don't think so. (Even if I like the Australian accent).
23 Janvier 2008
2 274
I really LOVE the australian accent !
It sounds quite funny even if I find it a bit difficult to understand when you're not fluent in english.

I don't know if I have the british accent or not when I talk in english, I just don't speak in english with the french accent ! Even if it sounds cute !
30 Août 2008
2 374
"I just don't get these people saying they love travelling so much, but they stick to their own culture."

I don't get that neither... Nowadays, when people travel to other countries, they eat at McDonalds, and they just visit touristic places because they don't want to go and discover a new culture.


Vieux chat.
21 Juin 2008
5 814
30 113
5 934
I spent quite some time with a New Yorker this week end (a friend's friend, not a newspaper). And, yes, I have to admit, I've totally lost my accent; but honestly it doesn't sadden me that much. I mean a French accent is cute after all, I used to be so focused on achieving a perfect British accent, now I really couldn't care less. Well, that's not 100% true. I try my best to have a rigorous accent on some words but I like slipping a loosely pronounced word here and there, I heard it gives me charm, I could definitely use some. No, what really annoys me is that I also seem to have lost a non negligeable part of my vocabulary. I happen to stumble over words from time to time. Now that I really can't admit. Still I spend a good amount of time writing/reading English on the internet. I should speak to myself in English, I speak to myself a lot, that would be a good training.

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