MadmoiZelle speaks English

27 Août 2009
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Hi everybody! I hope I'm not coming too last to participate in the forum! Well, first I would like to apologize for many mistakes that I could do haha.

I've been one month I in the USA, that is to say two hour far from Chicago, when I was 16 old, and I really enjoyed it! I would like to go there again, maybe to work in a summercamp or something like that. Did you spend also time in other english country?

I really want to improve my english, maybe I should try to take the TOEFL but next year. Do you guys know some english books, which are "easy". Because last year, I tried to read an english book, but it was too difficult so I gave up this idee. I'm moreover surching for some streaming sites, in there I could watch series with french/ english subtitles. Thanks :rotate:
21 Décembre 2008
Hey Hellagood, this year with my reinforced english class I read the book "A Lesson Before Dying" written by Ernest J. Gaines. I was just like you with english books: I didn't feel I was good enough to understand it, I gave up everytime, but this book isn't hard, sometimes there are some words that you don't know but it's important to discover new words too so it wasn't a problem for me... But it's about segregation in the late forties so if you want to read something more fun, it's not a good choice...

I went to England third, and if you want to go there to improve your english, don't go in the North for example I went to Hull and Hornsea, in Yorkshire: people there have a big accent, sometimes you can't understand them (juste like if you were an english people speaking with Marseillais... not so easy!) so I think that London or Birmingham, the south or the center of England can be good :)

Good luck ;)
27 Août 2009
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Firstly I really want to thank BryterLayter, Vultures and Coconut-Syrup for your advices. You're sincerely very very nice! :small:

Well I'm 18 old, and I'm interessting by a lot of subjects, especially indians in America. I was reading a book about it, but in french.
I know Meg Cabot! I read it when I was 14 old. But I so much liked it that I think it would be great to remember her stories, and read it in english!
Oh I forgot to say that I spend one week in Wales with my school in 3ème, and there accent is really hard too haha!

For the moment I'm trying to watch movies in english with french subtitles and then with the english ones. I think it could help a lot.
Otherwise, this year, I used to read Today in english at school: I though it was good but quite easily. What do you think of Go english? Or do you know other english magazines, which could help?

What do you like the most in english countries?
15 Décembre 2008
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Pomie, fingers crossed for Sciences Po still !
( still ? though ? I don't know what word i should put to say 'quand même' )

Hellagood, this year i read Brooklyn Follies, from Paul Auster. I didn't find it really difficult, sometimes you don't understand words or sentences but still you can understand the story.
And it's one of the rare book i read with school i appreciated !
( & you go to the USA, oooh lucky girl i wanna kill ! :happy: )

BryterLayter;1599232 a dit :
Ha, and I'm gladly back to my Desproges-craze period, so I just felt like posting this vid, it's not really in English but nevermind, makes me hilarious, I love it! :yawn:

OMG who's that guy ?:yawn:

I have one too
, i love it !


Yesterday, I went in a new company to learn how it work there (because I'm gonna work in, a few days) and I saw that there was a lot of English-spoken person who come for meeting or interview. So, I will have to reception them with my poor english. I thing it's going to be tough at first and then I will be used to it (I hope).
9 Août 2008
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Leina;1637494 a dit :
Yesterday, I went in a new company to learn how it work there (because I'm gonna work in, a few days) and I saw that there was a lot of English-spoken person who come for meeting or interview. So, I will have to reception them with my poor english. I thing it's going to be tough at first and then I will be used to it (I hope).

Maybe it will be hard in the beginning, but look at the bright side : it's a very good way to improve your english. (which is not that bad, actually) Anyway, I hope everything will be fine :)

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