MadmoiZelle speaks English

23 Juin 2011
1 759
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Alecto;3317589 a dit :
I've read somewhere that the difference with France is that your rank depends on the other students as well. To get a first, you must be in the best 10% of the year as well, whereas our mentions only concern the grades.

That depends on the course and the university. Cambridge does that for NatSci students, but they don't for Modern Languages. My university doesn't apply the principle at all, neither do most universities. I think it's a rare thing to do and it's generally in sciences, Humanities subjects being a lot less predictable and therefore not needing as much control
10 Janvier 2012
1 274
Saint Étienne en Coglès
If any of you are interested, I have a few books I'm selling away for a pittance.

Here's the list :

> University reads :
Orality & Literacy
, Walter G Ong, about linguistics. I haven't even read it so it's almost mint. Got it for around €20 on Amazon in March
Ce contenu est réservé aux membres Inscris-toi par ici.

Introduction au droit anglais et aux institutions britanniques, Danièle Frison : some pages have highlighted parts ! Bought for more than €10 off Amazon.
Ce contenu est réservé aux membres Inscris-toi par ici.
Ce contenu est réservé aux membres Inscris-toi par ici.

I also have a few dictionaries about business English and so on, please ask me for further details. I also have some books about arts and architecture !

> Novels

The boy next door
Two Caravans, Marina Lewycka
It's a Don's life, Mary Beard
The Diving-bell and the Butterfly, Jean-Dominique Bauby (translated by Jeremy Leggatt)
A time to Kill, John Grisham : Penguin advanced level, for teenagers
Ce contenu est réservé aux membres Inscris-toi par ici.

A lesson before dying, Ernest J Gaines
Ce contenu est réservé aux membres Inscris-toi par ici.

Please do not hesitate to contact me and ask your questions for any further details, also I have more books to sell, you can try your luck and ask for an author, who knows?
About prices etc, suggest your price. I think most of them would be around €5 postage included, except the biggest or newest ones.

23 Juin 2011
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I'm officially the proud owner of an upper second class (2:1) Bachelor of Arts in Middle East and Modern European Languages (Russian and Arabic) from the University of Manchester :d
27 Août 2009
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SuzeDream;3353819 a dit :
There is no more a lot of activithy here, so I propose you a subject of discussion, which is in reality not very original, but topical : What are you going to do during this summer holidays ? And for the Mads who are waiting for the results of the Bac, what's your state of mind ?

(No original, but it's a way to improve our english if we developpe our ideas ! :cretin: )

That's a good idea! Well, I work the whole summer, but I'll almost always be in contact with strangers, so I'll be able to improve my English! I also plan to watch as many series and movies as I can! I would have liked to go to London, but I don't think I can afford it.

And what's about you? What do you plan?
27 Août 2009
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SuzeDream;3362068 a dit :
I've got plenty holidays this year : I'm going to managed a group of children during one week, then I'll go at my boyfriend's home for 10 days, then I'll come back home to work a little for my neighours, and then, I'll go again on holidays with my boyfriend.
As I have my result of my bac, I'm going to party a lot !

Oh congrats for your bac! What do you plan to study next year? And what is your work exactly?
5 Juin 2012
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5 944
Hi girls !

No holidays for me :tears: I'm doing an intership to finish my scholarship. In september I'll be graduated from an engineering school. But I moved on the Mediteranean coast for this job and living here is almost like being on holidays. I nearly haven't seen a cloud in 4 weeks et the temperature is really hot :)
I'm also practicing my english because there are many foreigners in the society.
5 Septembre 2011
4 361
5 942
3 904
Hi there :hello:

My Mom is an English-speaker, and as I don't live with her anymore, I often miss speaking English. (and then I end up phoning her for 3 hours, just to speak English, eventhough I have absolutely nothing to say :yawn: ). I'll try to remember that I can also relax here. (Just for information, I still make lots of mistakes when I speak or write English !)

I'm reading The Help ("La couleur des sentiments" in French) at the moment, I'm only at the beginning of it, but it seems like a great book ! It's funny because the narrator is a black woman, so it's written like this :
But I ain't never seen a baby yell like Mae Mobley Leefolt. First day I walk in the door, there she be, red-hot and hollering with the colic, fighting that bottle like it's a rotten turnip.

So it's not great to learn English, but it's very funny !
She already got the blue dress on I ironed this morning, the one with sixty-five pleats on the waist, so tiny I got to quint through my glasses to iron. I don't hate much in life, but me and that dress is not on good terms.

See you! :fleur:
23 Juin 2011
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1 174
Malex;3372499 a dit :
Hi girls !

No holidays for me :tears: I'm doing an intership to finish my scholarship. In september I'll be graduated from an engineering school. But I moved on the Mediteranean coast for this job and living here is almost like being on holidays. I nearly haven't seen a cloud in 4 weeks et the temperature is really hot :)
I'm also practicing my english because there are many foreigners in the society.

By scholarship, did you mean "scolarité" ? If so, you'd need to use "studies", a scholarship is "une bourse" most of the time.


Olala, ce topic me fait prendre conscience à quel point mon niveau d'anglais est médiocre :gonk:

J'aurai besoin des services d'une madz bilingue, pour corriger un texte en anglais assez court. Un ami me l'a déja traduit en anglais mais j'aurai besoin d'une relecture, d'un avis pour être sur qu'il n y a pas de fautes. Si l'une de vous avait la gentillesse de le faire elle aurait ma reconnaissance éternelle :worthy:

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