Tout, tout, tout sur Harry Potter !

1 Octobre 2010
2 792
3 096
4 994
D'après le premier test (celui à base d'un questionnaire) mon patronus est une panthère!(oui je sais ca en jette) celui fait à la base de mon nom c'est un renard, je préfère le premier.
Sinon à part un seul test, pour tous les tests que j'ai fais je suis Gryffondor!
Ah et j'étais venu pour dire que ca y est c'est sur mon tome préférée c'est Harry Potter et l'ordre du phénix (j'aime bien aussi le tome 4).
Oui je me relis toute la saga.
8 Septembre 2008
11 894
4 637
8 364
Il faut que je retourne bosser. Bwahahaha :tears:

18 Septembre 2009
3 919
1 992
5 184
Je suis en train de fantasmer sur dois etre forte et attendre que ma soeur revienne avec les livres :lunette:

Quoi ne les ai pas en anglais :cretin:
9 Août 2008
2 109
1 096
1 854
Cette semaine mon frère et moi on se fait un marathon des films Harry Potter, on commence cet après-midi. Et puis je suis en train de relire les livres, je viens tout juste de finir le 1. :d
22 Août 2008
8 378
4 694
4 064
Neptuune;2410309 a dit :
Mais oui ! On trouve des raccourcis vraiment improbables dans les versions ciné :facepalm:
Ca aurait pris combien de pellicule, combien de dollars à David Yates de mettre deux nouveaux personnage au casting, à l'épilogue, pour en rester au texte de J.K Rowling ? Pas grand chose je pense.

S'il n'y avait que ça.. en relisant les livres, on se rend bien compte que les films traitent l'histoire superficiellement. Je ne dis pas qu'ils sont tous à jeter mais bon nombre de détails importants ont été occultés.
Après, je comprends bien que faire un film à partir d'un roman de 500 pages, c'est un peu compliqué.
23 Mars 2011
3 125
2 360
1 654
.Amychu.;2410364 a dit :
Quelle fic ? ^^'

Ahah c'est un Drarry alors je sais pas si ça t'intéresse :flappie:
Elle s'appelle Being a Veela's mate, la fic originale est en anglais mais quelqu'un commence à la traduire. Sauf que j'ai pas de patience alors je la lis en anglais. Il y a 60 chapitres et j'en suis au 21ième, autant dire que je suis pas rendu.
Pour ceux qui veulent s'en approcher, il n'y a pas de sexe et l'auteure s'en sort vraiment bien (par contre c'est comme une réécriture et pas quelque chose qui se passe après les livres, Draco a 11 ans et Harry 9 ans)
29 Décembre 2005
10 133
6 333
8 434
no_name;2410321 a dit :
Un dernier truc avant de partir


Ouais mais au moins Dark Vador il rigole pas comme ça. :cretin: (Vader forever <3 )

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Par contre en vrai moi j'avais lu que Neville
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:d C'est pas plutôt Luna qui
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Sinon j'avais trouvé ça :
~ Azkaban no longer uses Dementors as guardians.
~George Weasley married Angelina Johnson and had 2 children named Fred and Roxanne.
~Harry made sure that the Wizarding world knew that Snape was a hero and on Dumbledore&#8217;s side.
~Slytherin House became more diluted and was no longer solely pureblood; however its dark reputation lingers.
~Harry lost the ability to speak Parseltongue.
~Umbridge was arrested, interrogated and imprisoned for crimes against Muggleborns.
~The Resurrection Stone is now buried in the Forbidden Forest after being pressed into the ground by a centaur&#8217;s hoof.
~ Voldemort&#8217;s curse on the DADA position at Hogwarts has been lifted.
~Viktor Krum fell in love with a woman back home in Bulgaria.
~The Death Eater&#8217;s Dark Marks eventually faded to look like a scar. It will no longer burn or hurt.
~ The Quibbler is back to publishing articles about the lunatic fringe & is appreciated for its unintentional humour.
~Members of the DA still have their coins, as they are like badges of honor.
~Neville Longbottom worked as an Auror before moving on as the Herbology professor at Hogwarts.
~The remaining Death Eaters were killed or imprisoned in Azkaban for their crimes, with the exception of the Malfoys.
~Luna Lovegood married the grandson of the Newt Scamander, author of &#8216;Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them&#8217;
~Firenze survived his wounds and was welcomed back into the Centaur herd.
~Harry will never become Headmaster of Hogwarts since an academic career just isn&#8217;t him.
~Hagrid was still working at Hogwarts by 2017, at 88 years old.
~Draco Malfoy really cares about his son, Scorpius Malfoy. He is growing him up to be a better person than he was.
~Centaurs realized that &#8220;pro-human leanings were not shameful.
~Draco and Harry never became friends, but they did come to understand and appreciate each other better.
~Hermione tells Scrimgeour that she is not planning to embark on a career in Magical Law. Ironically, that&#8217;s where she ends up.
~After his death, Voldemort is forced to exist in the stunted infant-like form that Harry sees in the King&#8217;s Cross-like Limbo.
~Harry would take his family to visit Dudley&#8217;s when they were in the neighbourhood (occasions dreaded by James, Albus and Lily).
~Aberforth is still at the Hog&#8217;s Head &#8220;playing with his goats&#8221;.
~The number of Dementors have been greatly diminished because despair and degradation have been lessened in the world.
~Arthur Weasley fixed Sirius&#8217; motorbike and gave it to Harry.
~Nineteen years after the Battle of Hogwarts, the school for witchcraft and wizardry is led by an entirely new headmaster (&#8220;McGonagall was really getting on a bit&#8221;) as well as a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. That position is now as safe as the other teaching posts at Hogwarts, since Voldemort&#8217;s death broke the jinx that kept a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor from remaining for more than a year.
~Hagrid never married, although he had a relationship with a giantess.
~Kingsley Shacklebolt became the Minister of Magic after the Second Wizarding War.
~Harry will not train to be an animagus; his &#8220;energies are going to be concentrated elsewhere and he&#8217;s not going to have time to do that.
~Audrey Weasley is wife of Percy Weasley, and they both have 2 daughters, Molly and Lucy.
~In the aftermath of the war, the Order was disbanded once and for all.
~Luna has twin boys named Lorcan and Lysander with Rolf Scamander.and apparently travels the world, looking for mad creatures.
~Hermione advanced the rights of magical creatures & eradicated the old pro-pure-blood laws in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.
~The head of the Auror Office as of 2007 is Harry Potter.
~Lavender Brown was attacked by Fenrir Greyback. Hermione saved her but she was already injured. What happened to her later on was never really told.
~Neville Longbottom&#8217;s students were impressed when he showed them his Dumbledore&#8217;s Army&#8217;s Coin.
~Harry, Ron and Neville didn&#8217;t return to Hogwarts for their 7th year. They went straight to get training as aurors and Neville went to work as an auror before becoming a Professor.
~Harry sometimes visits Hogwarts to give talks on DADA.
~Hermione is James&#8217; godmother.
~Hermione Granger was the only member of the trio who returned to Hogwarts to complete their seventh year.
~Ron worked with George in WWW for some time and then became an Auror.
~Ginny became a professional Quidditch player for the Holyhead Harpies and become the senior Quidditch correspondent for the Daily Prophet.
~After the war, Hermione found her parents in Australia and restored their memories.

(et au fait, bonjour ! :hello: )

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