Dans la salle ou je suis une fille montre son essaie en typo pour l'infographie "c'est leviooosa et pas leviosaaaaaa" en jaune sur bleu marine avec la typo HP je ne la connais pas mais je crois que je vais bien l'aimer
Graouw;3743650 a dit :Oh mon dieu. Mais. C'est vrai ça. Je demande -et exige- une explication, JKR !
Graouw;3743650 a dit :Oh mon dieu. Mais. C'est vrai ça. Je demande -et exige- une explication, JKR !
Fred and George never noticed Pettigrew on the marauder's map because they didn't know who he was. Even if they had recognized his name, they would have assumed he was just a student with the same last name. Pettigrew was one of many moving dots on the map, and Fred and George would have only been focused on the path their mischief took that day.
Krayonder;3746085 a dit :(@chouette21 et les autres )
Je savais que j'avais déjà lu ça quelque part alors je me suis mise en mode Good Finder et j'ai retrouvé l'interview !!
Fleur Delacour;3746210 a dit :Je me suis aussi posé pleins de fois la question parce que, allez quoi, la première fois que tu utilise cette carte tu t'amuses à regarder limite chaque personne pour savoir ce qu'elle fait ou bien chaque endroit; surtout ta salle commune et les apparts des profs ou autre du genre (enfin, moi c'est ce que je ferais )
Du coup quelqu'un aurait forcément vu Peter! (allez, pour Harry on peut dire que quand il l'a eue tout le monde était à Pré-au-Lard donc ça va)
Mais allez, ce rat était quasi tout le temps avec Ron donc c'est bizarre... Les jumeaux se sont jamais demandé qui était ce Peter qui trainait toujours avec leur frère?
Enfin bref, vous avez compris que je suis assez dubitative par rapport au commentaire de JK... J'aurais plus tendance à dire qu'elle n'y avait pas pensé et que du coup elle sort des excuses Mais bon, c'est JK quoi! alors ça me semble improbable aussi^^
Bon, sinon je venais pour vous dire que j'ai (enfin!) été acheter quelques petits trucs pour le colis de Noël et que dans mon bus pour y aller ben j'étais assise à côté d'une fille qui lisait HP4 en anglais (et moi-même j'étais en train de lire le 2 ) J'étais genre comme ça uppyeye:. C'est la première fois que je croise quelqu'un qui a quelque chose de HP sur lui!!! Voilà, c'est tout
MA: There are a lot of intense loyalty and bravery issues that are really tied to self-sacrifice — specifically in book three, “You should have died rather than betray your friends.” And then, there's a ton of that throughout. That’s a pretty intense message to pass to, say, an 8-year-old, or a 10-year-old, who is reading the book, saying we should die for our friends.
JKR: Obviously I imagine it in the context of a very highly charged situation. God forbid — I hope that in the general run of things, an 8-year-old would not be required to die for anyone, but we're talking here about a fully grown man who was in, what I consider to be, a war situation. This was a full-fledged war situation. I think the question really is do you, as readers, believe that Sirius would have died? Because Sirius is saying that.
ES: Oh, absolutely.
MA: Yeah.
JKR: Right, well, that's what I believed. Sirius would have done it. He, with all his faults and flaws, he has this profound sense of honor, ultimately, and he would rather have died honorably, as he would see it, than live with the dishonor and shame of knowing that he sent those three people to their deaths, those three people that he loved beyond any others, because like Harry he is a displaced person without family.
You're right, it is an intense message, but I am ultimately writing about evil, and I have said before, I think, that I'm surprised when sometimes people say to me, “Oh, you know, the books are getting so dark.” I'm thinking, “Well, which part of ‘Philosopher's Stone’ did you think was light and fluffy?” You know, there is an innocence about it, Harry is very young when he goes to the school, but the book opens with a double murder. The possibility of death, I think, is present throughout “Philosopher’s Stone,” and I feel that there are a couple of really gruesome images in “Philosopher’s Stone.” I think the first book contains more gruesome imagery than the second, despite the giant snake, because the cloaked figure drinking the unicorn blood is pretty damn creepy. It was to me when I thought of it, and I really, right up until now, all these years later, think that the idea of the face in the back of the head [Voldemort sharing Quirrell’s body] is one of the most disturbing images in the whole book. (The whole book; I call it one big book. In the whole series.)
So, yes, it's intense, I agree with you, but I would say it's been pretty intense throughout. There are a lot of things in there that are disturbing, intentionally so, but I really don’t think I've ever crossed the line into shocking for shocking's sake. I feel that I could justify every single piece of morbid imagery in those books. The one that I wondered whether I was going to be able to get past the editors was the physical condition of Voldemort before he went into the cauldron, do you remember? He was kind of fetal. I felt an almost visceral distaste for what I had conjured up, but there's a reason it was in there and you will see that. And I discussed that with my editor and she was okay with it. In fact, she was more disturbed with the idea of the grave cracking open. I think it's the desecration idea, isn't it, again. There's nothing really to see there — but again it's the violation of a taboo.
JKR: I think so. I hope so. So you liked Harry/Ginny, did you, when it happened?
ES: We've been waiting for this for years!
JKR: Oh, I'm so glad.
MA: Oh my gosh, that kiss!
JKR: Yeah.
ES: It actually materialized!
JKR: It actually happened, I know! I felt a little bit like that.
MA: Had you been trying to get them —
JKR: Well I always knew that that was going to happen, that they were going to come together and then part.
ES: Were you always -----ing it? [We can’t figure out what Emerson actually said here.]
JKR: Well, no, not really, because the plan was, which I really hope I fulfilled, is that the reader, like Harry, would gradually discover Ginny as pretty much the ideal girl for Harry. She's tough, not in an unpleasant way, but she's gutsy. He needs to be with someone who can stand the demands of being with Harry Potter, because he's a scary boyfriend in a lot of ways. He's a marked man. I think she's funny, and I think that she's very warm and compassionate. These are all things that Harry requires in his ideal woman. But, I felt — and I'm talking years ago when all this was planned — initially, she's terrified by his image. I mean, he's a bit of a rock god to her when she sees him first, at 10 or 11, and he's this famous boy. So Ginny had to go through a journey as well. And rather like with Ron, I didn’t want Ginny to be the first girl that Harry ever kissed. That's something I meant to say, and it's kind of tied in.
One of the ways in which I tried to show that Harry has done a lot of growing up — in “Phoenix,” remember when Cho comes into the compartment, and he thinks, ‘I wish I could have been discovered sitting with better people,’ basically? He's with Luna and Neville. So literally the identical thing happens in “Prince,” and he's with Luna and Neville again, but this time, he has grown up, and as far as he's concerned he is with two of the coolest people on the train. They may not look that cool. Harry has really grown. And I feel that Ginny and Harry, in this book, they are total equals. They are worthy of each other. They've both gone through a big emotional journey, and they've really got over a lot of delusions, to use your word, together. So, I enjoyed writing that. I really like Ginny as a character.
ES: Why is Slytherin house still –
JKR: Still allowed!
ES: Couldn’t —
JKR: Couldn't they just shoot them all? NO, Emerson, they really couldn’t!
ES: Who is Harry's godmother?
JKR: Didn't have one.
ES: Really?
JKR: Well, Sirius never had time to get a girlfriend, let alone marry.
ES: They could have just picked some other close friend of the family.
JKR: At the time that they christened Harry, they were in hiding. This was not going to be a widely attended christening, because he was already in danger. So this is something they were going to do very quietly, with as few people as possible, that they wanted to make this commitment with Sirius. And — yeah. Can’t say much more.
Tiempo;3746342 a dit :Alooors t'y es allée? moi je n'en pouvais vraiment plus, une journée de 10h c'était déjà le plus que je pouvais faire.
Sinon à propos de demain, on se rejoint devant le furet ? Je serais en noir ^^ (jeans, talons, manteau) on devrait peut-être s'échanger nos numéros non? Abraxas Edwarda (même si toi je pense que je vais te reconnaître, quoi que s'il y a du monde
Tiempo;3746342 a dit :Alooors t'y es allée? moi je n'en pouvais vraiment plus, une journée de 10h c'était déjà le plus que je pouvais faire.
Sinon à propos de demain, on se rejoint devant le furet ? Je serais en noir ^^ (jeans, talons, manteau) on devrait peut-être s'échanger nos numéros non? @Abraxas @Edwarda (même si toi je pense que je vais te reconnaître, quoi que s'il y a du monde
Abraxas;3746388 a dit :Krayonder: Oh mais balance, je suis une dévoreuse de fanfiction
Krayonder;3746290 a dit :Je double post mais il faut que je partage des morceaux de l'interview que je suis en train de lire !