@madmoizelle N d'ailleurs hier je suis tombée sur ça, ça m'a fait du bien, de me faire rappeler que je me battais pas pour rien, que j'étais pas paranoïaque ou quoi...
https://dailyprogressive.org/2016/11/stop-calling-identity-politics - its-civil-rights/
L'intro suffira:
This election cycle, "identity politics" has become one of the phrases that joined the political lexicon. Even though it's now widely used, many people are still unsure of what "identity politics" means. Identity politics refers to the political interests of women, minorities, and other marginalized groups in American politics. These interests are far-ranging and include everything from fighting for equal pay for women to fighting against police brutality in minority communities.
Typically, "identity politics" has been used as a put-down by the alt-left. By now, almost everyone has heard the insult: "She was engaging in
identity politics, and not focusing on the
real issues." But what are the "real issues" that identity politics "distract" us from? Generally, those who use identity politics as a deriding term want the left to focus on class instead of issues that pertain to the identities of marginalized people.
When the alt-left says "identity politics," what they actually mean is "civil rights." They want marginalized groups to stop fighting for civil rights because that would upset poor white people who might otherwise vote Democratic, if not for minorities and women pushing their issues. Unequivocally, this is a call for white supremacy. Telling minorities or other marginalized groups that their issues are "distractions," and that they must be subservient to the issues of white men is a path that leads right back to 1950s America. It certainly isn't a path that leads to equality or racial justice.
edit 2; La version vidéo
Edit: d'ailleurs j'ai eu une drôle d'altercation (non) avec quelqu'un sur Cuba et Castro. Les gens qui aiment bien rappeler qu'iels sont attachés à la démocratie, et toi t'es là: mouais, déjà il faudrait que tout le monde y ait droit et puisse en profiter à l'intérieur de ces démocraties là...