cheres amies verniesques, une d'entre vous peut m'éclairer car je suis archi nulle en anglais. si j'ai bien compris pour qu'il me renvoi mon seche vite je dois commander autre chose et il rajoute le seche vite .
"Dear buyer,
Sorry for this happens. SO the 80946 is OK but the Seche vite top coat is broken, right? If yes, do you want to order any more products at our store? And we can reship one seche vite top coat in your next order. Please advice.
"Dear buyer,
Sorry for this happens. SO the 80946 is OK but the Seche vite top coat is broken, right? If yes, do you want to order any more products at our store? And we can reship one seche vite top coat in your next order. Please advice.