MadmoiZelle speaks English

29 Septembre 2010
4 864
Elisa564;1801668 a dit :
I was in London last week-end, and it was sunny!!! And that's really rare:P. I had a great time =). Hope you will too! Will it be your first time in London?
Oh no! It's absolutely the same weather than Paris one! (ok then, probably not really sunny, but it's not that bad). ;)

I'm trying to change my bro's mind, he doesn't wanna go to London with me, but he'll do it! Just before Christmas, it's just wonderful at this time.

2 nights ago, i spoke with a brazilian guy at a bus station, i was a bit drunk and my english was so good (sadly, i lost it since i left the UK). It was a really nice time. Anyway, i'm really excited by going there this year again!
15 Décembre 2008
2 628
2 699
5 174
Woa, I didn't really work this week end. I have no will, this is incredible. :facepalm:

At least I've "discovered" a greaaaat band : The Servant ( I know, 3 years later haha ). I'm listening to their songs over and over again <3
And also to the Glee versions of Madonna's songs they're so cooool !

( Please, give me a Big-up, I don't like that number :shifty: ) ( although I'm not superstitious )
8 Novembre 2009
9 019
3 154
2 254
Vert Saint Denis
Elisa564;1801668 a dit :
Did you like the first episodes of Grey's Anatomy's seventh season? I'm a bit disapointed. Everybody's acting weird!

I loved the fourth. I don't really know what I think about them because I always cry when I watch GA... It's quite incredible. :happy:

I'm reading Juliet, Naked (written by Nick Hornby) and I really love the beginning! But I don't have so much time to read, that really sucks :cretin:


Lelaina;1802460 a dit :
Everybody always told me about how great of an author Nick Hornby is so I decided to read one of his books, to have my own opinion about him. I read Fever Pitch and I hated it. I thought he couldn't write and everybody lied to me. But maybe it was because I read it in French or it wasn't his best book, I don't know.

(I'm so glad we can talk in English here!)

Maybe you should try High Fidelity or About a boy. It's from my point of view his best work. They are both, cute novels and funny too. (I'm a big fan of Hornby even if I didn't read Fever Pitch.) And yes, his books are so much better in English.;)
15 Décembre 2008
2 628
2 699
5 174
Ok, too much pressure right now. The blockades, the strike, my parents, my studies, my eyes ...
Breath, keep cool, everything's fine. *Coue method inside*
22 Avril 2006
1 217
5 044
Tangerine;1803858 a dit :
Haha, well erm... no thanks!
Gosh, tonight's class was harsh... I hate it when my students never talk... I gave them more than 20 minutes to work in groups and write a summary of an article and one guy told me "I havent done anything" I didnt really know how to react, that's the first year my students are so uninterested... I'm disappointed.

i don t know what s your job, but i kind of guess that u re an english teacher, dont you ?
well, my german teacher got some trouble to interest us but one day she show us a movie about speed dating and ask us to prepare some question for a speed dating on the next class, and the next class even if not everybody arrive with the questions ready, we had so much fun to play those speed dating,even the teacher around was having fun "ask him how end his last relationship !"
haha was great !

maybe i m totally out and ur not an english teacher, but this topic is actually to speak english indeed ;)
30 Août 2008
2 374
Giiirls, there is a book you should really read ! Eats, Shoots and Leaves, by Lynne Truss. One of the funniest book about... punctuation ! You won't find it in French, as it explains the rules of punctuation for "English purposes" (apostrophes, hyphens...), but it is so good !
It is a good way to learn when to put the apostrophe before/after the "s". I don't have any problems with the apostrophes in English, but I am surprised that so many native speakers actually don't know how to use it... I guess it is like our French "é/er/ais/ai/ait/ez"...
22 Avril 2006
1 217
5 044
Tangerine;1804461 a dit :
You're sort of right ;) I'm a French teacher for foreign students. And yeah, I'm trying my best to interest them, trying to talk about current events (I made them work on the demonstrations and strike in France since they are all "Erasmus" students and don't necessarily understand what's going on). Thought they would be interested... FAIL! But it seems that the other French teachers have the same problem with their students.
And at first I organised activities kind of like the one you described (well, sort of "light" activities, not too boring) but they told me they want more "concrete" stuff that can help them in their other classes at uni. So I chose more "challenging" topics and issues but it seems it's the same... Maybe they're just not intrested in anything, maybe they just came to study in France to have fun and don't care at all.

Haha, sorry, I should have complained about that in the topic for teachers!

Maybe what they want is grammatical rules, they can have fun with those rules ?
if they want concret : well list of vocabulary to learn, grammatical course and basta

well all my language classes have been boring even if the teacher was trying his best all the time, BUT I m sure there is a way to make it better ! and most important : usefull because I certainly didnt learn my english in class...

ooh one english class we werre watching a serie at the end of the class each time, it was very good, like everybody get a bit tired (it was friends) maybe is there a nice french serie ? ;)

edit / i should skip some 'well' sometimes

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