MadmoiZelle speaks English


Ancien membre

I still need you, girls !

I have an exercice about expressions.
Decide which is the correct idiom here. What expression is used... say that you don't know something ?
I ask you ! / Don't ask me !

2-...when somebody has thanked you ?
You're welcome ! / Please yourself ! say that something isn't very likely ?
You bet ! / Don't bet on it !

4-...when you think that somebody has asked a silly question ?
Do me a favour ! / No kidding ! tell somebody that what they were hoping for is not very likely ?
Watch this space ! / In your dreams ! remind somebody that you warned them about this ?
I told you so ! / Eat your heart out ! encourage people and to tell them they are doing something right ?
That's an idea ! / That's the idea ! ask the reason for something ?
How come ? / How long have you got ? say that you don't want to talk about something ?
Don't mention it ! / Let's not even go there !

10-...when something is starting to happen ?
Here you go ! / Here we go ! ask whether somebody is interested in something ?
How does that grab you ? / What are you like ?

(j'ai mis en gras les réponses que je pense être bonne, mais je suis en aucun cas sûre de moi)
15 Décembre 2008
2 628
2 699
5 174
A friend got his driving license today ! I'm so glad for him :d

And I just changed my image, i don't know if i'm going to keep it for long, but i really like it.
23 Juillet 2010
1 240
4 954
Till Gletri;1824552 a dit :
Do you know some streaming sites to watch series in VO, in english or spanish ?
English : :)
I use it all the time!
(But I personally learn more by watching tv series in English with english subtitles ^^)
26 Juillet 2010
1 557
1 854
Elisa564;1801668 a dit :
This topic is fun =) I think I'll come here sometimes.

Did you like the first episodes of Grey's Anatomy's seventh season? I'm a bit disapointed. Everybody's acting weird!

I was in London last week-end, and it was sunny!!! And that's really rare:P. I had a great time =). Hope you will too! Will it be your first time in London?

Huuuh I don't seen Grace Anatomy's seventh season but actually I must to see that ! ;)
Wow indeed , you're a lucky girl ! :d I will be to have fun like you so , I hope !
That's will be my third time in England . (But I don't know exactly when , for this moment because , I've others priorities :S ) LOL But this In this year ( 2010-2011 ) I go ! ;D
7 Octobre 2007
1 814
3 124

I'm goin to Birmingham in about 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna meet the baby of my best friend :cupidon:

I'm so excited and I just can't hide it...Lalalalala :whistle:
28 Août 2006
2 368
1 248
4 984
I looooooooove this song ! The Pointer Sisters were awesome !

'And I konw, I know, I want you !'
16 Septembre 2005
4 924
I'm gonna work as a PA for a film for a couple of days. Production starts Friday and I'm supposed to be the assistant of the production designer in the meantime. It's the first time in months that I'm up before 7AM; but I'm kind of excited. The diver's coming to pick me up in 15... great

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