MadmoiZelle speaks English

22 Avril 2009
10 279
15 440
6 454
Stalowa Wola;1835995 a dit :
There's something I don't understand.

Today, a friend of mine told me that she wanted her future children to be bilingual. Even if their father is French. So it would mean talking to them in a poor English with the wrong accent.

Is it just me or somebody else thinks it's so wrong to do that?
I don't see what's wrong with that. That's not because she's not a native english speaker that her english would be poor (but i don't know her), she can have good basics but not all the aspects of english language for sure. And of course the accent won't be perfect but if she put her child in a bilingual school some problems can be solved thanks to that.
In my opinion i think it's a good idea to teach another language _even if you're not a native speaker_ to your child because it can open his mind to another culture, etc. And nowadays it's really a good thing to speak more than one language from "the beginning", that can helps for your studies, job and well life! :)
28 Août 2006
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4 984
I totally agree with Alizuko.

To my mind, people who say that just want to their children have (? :s) some notions in english like how to make a sentence or some basic vocabulary (how to salute...)

(this topic makes me sad, my level is sooooooo ridiculous)
22 Avril 2009
10 279
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6 454
Erin.;1836120 a dit :
I totally agree with Alizuko.

To my mind, people who say that just want to their children have (? :s) some notions in english like how to make a sentence or some basic vocabulary (how to salute...)

(this topic makes me sad, my level is sooooooo ridiculous)
no don't be silly you're doing great ;) Look i understood what you said lol
7 Octobre 2007
1 814
3 124
I used to work with an english woman who now lives in France. She got married with a french guy and had 3 children. Usually the mom talk to her children in english, and the dad in french. One is now 4 years old and he is completely bilingual. But I remember seeing him last year, he was only 3, and he was always stuttering and mixing up the 2 languages. Thank god it only last for a few months.
Personaly, I was born in the USA but my parents are french. I went to both school (American in the morning, French in the afternoon). I remember that when I arrived in France for good (at 6 years old), I used to speak english at school instead of French! Not so great to make friends lol! I lost a lot of vocabulary because I stopped practising the language, but I still have the american accent and louds of facilities in that language.
28 Août 2006
2 368
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4 984
Nutcracker;1836525 a dit :
Did you mean : "According to me, people say that they just want their children to have..."?
And don't be sad, it's never too late to improve your english or to learn a completely different language! :small:


(je serais incapable de répondre en anglais mais j'ai trop mal pris ça quand je l'ai lu !)
15 Décembre 2008
2 628
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5 174
We are doing phonetic in class, and i think the fact that i watch american series is going to be a problem. I mix the english and the american accent because of that :sweatdrop:
8 Novembre 2009
9 019
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2 254
Vert Saint Denis
Lokelani.;1841694 a dit :
I'm not sure you can say "According to me" (just like "according to us"). At least that's what my expression teacher said (it's just like quoting yourself I guess). It would be good if I could have a confirmation though :)

I just wanted to pick up that part of what you said. I agree! My English teacher said that it was "horrible". :P

Sorry for mistakes, I can't be focused enough on what I'm saying in English...
8 Octobre 2009
1 644
Lokelani.;1841694 a dit :
I'm not sure you can say "According to me" (just like "according to us"). At least that's what my expression teacher said (it's just like quoting yourself I guess). It would be good if I could have a confirmation though :)
You say "I think" or "in my opinion" according to me means, literally "d'apres moi" ou "selon moi" but we don't say that in english.
18 Novembre 2007
2 924
Noisy le sec
Hi! Can I have your opinion about my introduction to the syntax and vocabulary? please, sorry for my bad english haha

Hello, my name is Charlène, My paper deals with tattoos and their evolution from the 60s to today.
I'll define the term before starting tattoo, tattooing is practiced by drawing indelible tattoo on the skin. The tattooist introduced color pigment in the skin with needles, drawing then appears through the skin after healing.
In the past, tattooing has been used in religion but also as an identification system in ethnic, religious and social.
15 Décembre 2008
2 628
2 699
5 174
Chaobsession;1851205 a dit :
Hi! Can I have your opinion about my introduction to the syntax and vocabulary? please, sorry for my bad english haha

Hello, my name is Charlène, My paper deals with tattoos and their evolution from the 60s to today.

I think nowadays would be better here ?

Chaobsession;1851205 a dit :
I'll define the term before starting tattoo, tattooing is practiced by drawing indelible tattoo on the skin.

I'm not sure about that but, i think what you're saying here is that you are going to define the terms, and then start to make a tattoo or something like that. :happy:
You wanted to say that you are going to define the terms, and then speak about tattoos ?

Chaobsession;1851205 a dit :
In the past, tattooing has been used in religion but also as an identification system in ethnic, religious and social.

And here, there is a word missing. Ethnic, religious and social ... what ? You can't put them alone, see what i mean ? :P

About what you were saying, Elfy and Tangerine, an english teacher told me once that if you go to England, and open a french bakery, BAM, money everywhere.
16 Septembre 2005
4 924
I'm worried about drinking too much, for the first time in my life! Last week I got drunk on Tuesday so I decided: I'll spend a week without being wasted. And I got badly drunk on the 8th day... I barfed all day and eventually had to leave work to go back to bed.
Gosh something kinda funny happened yesterday, I was telling some buddies about a scene in one of Bukowski's novels and I was so moved about it that I haven't been able to finish the story. Fortunately I don't really remember it, cause I'm a little embarrassed.
Right now, I am dying for a good healthy meal that I wouldn't have to cook myself. Well, it's not happening tonight.

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