MadmoiZelle speaks English

5 Janvier 2008
4 587
2 969
5 344
Last year, I went to Scotland to learn english for 4 months at the beginning, I spent 4 amazing months in this country I've never been before! Then, I decided to stay few months more to improve my english, I learnt a lot of new things, I met really nice people, I travelled around the country, It was a such good experience! I really miss my life there and I hope to come back in the next months to visit and to meet my friends!

Please, If I did a mistake, thanks for correcting me :)
  • Big up !
Réactions : Berserker et Enlia
10 Décembre 2015
May I ask you a stupid question? ( If not, don't read the end of my post ^^ ).
I created an account on duolinguo and I don't understand a stupid thing. Duolinguo asked me to translate simple sentences, which were " c'est une pomme" and " c'est un livre".
First, I asnwered " It's a apple". Wrong answer but DL said to me I was right because it understood " This is one apple". So, the second time, I answered "This is a book" ( wrong for "a" of course) and the programm said to me "Right, understood "It's one book").
Is it possible to say "it is" and "this is" as someone wants to or is there a rule?
Sorry for that question. I see it is stupid. I really don't understand why I am able to read your posts whithout beeing able to speak or to write like others madz here ( BUT I want to progress and I will manage. Perhaps in a long long time :d )
Thank you so much ^^
7 Juillet 2015
4 046
@Berserker I've tried Duolingo for a while but for what i know, most of those exercise have multiple answers, just as in french there's multiple way to translate a sentence. So for one sentence you have one, tow or more correct answers. "C'est une pomme" Can be translate in It's an apple, It is an apple or this is one apple. The last one implied that the number is important in the sentence, since you don't have the context you can't say, but all this propositions are actually right, so Duolingo count all this propostions but show you the one that seems the more appropirate to it.
Dernière édition :
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Réactions : Allons-y et Berserker
7 Juillet 2015
4 046
@Berserker Yeah, the system is unclear since Duolingo doesn't explain it proprely, it took me one level to be sure of that. XD
If you want a piece of advice, making silly errors (even if you know the rules) while writing is a common mistake, especially when you write quickly. When you work on Duolingo be very carefull before confirming an answer, take the time to proofread several times each of your words and sentences. The website is actually pretty tricky and i've failed a lot of exercises because I didn't paid attention enough. XD It can be with your time concordance, agreeds, words spelling... It's kinda annoying but happened pretty fast and often when you get self-confident.
Dernière édition :
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Réactions : Berserker
28 Mars 2013
2 520
9 282
1 604
Hello girls!
Actually i'm au pair in ireland! Nice to speak english you could say but NO! I have to speak in French with the children (ok it's my job so i could managed it) but the problem is the mother. She continue to speak french with me despite i answer in english (and the father is here but i see him just few moments). So please be understanding with my english =)
22 Novembre 2014
1 235
1 294
Bourg-Palette (tmtc)
Hello !
I didn't find a corresponding.. So i came back for speaking a lot with you guys, because I really want to do my best in english (and german by the way. But I don't have a big experience, because I have started to learn german this year).
  • Big up !
Réactions : MilielaTigresse
28 Mars 2013
2 520
9 282
1 604
Hello !
I didn't find a corresponding.. So i came back for speaking a lot with you guys, because I really want to do my best in english (and german by the way. But I don't have a big experience, because I have started to learn german this year).
No problem if you want to talk English with me (german too but i'm not good, we could try if you want ) =D

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