MadmoiZelle speaks English

11 Août 2015
2 036
5 617
4 164
@Gringo The welsh accent comes from Wales, the small country in the United Kingdom, near England to the west. Sorry if my english is not good, I have some difficulties to express myself in this language
29 Décembre 2014
2 224
Hello girls! I'm planning to go on Erasmus next year, at Liverpool (i'm keeping my fingers crossed!) . But that means that I have to improve my English... So, here I am! :d I saw that you were talking about accents, and I must confess, I'm crazy about English and Scottish accents <3 (David Tennant <3 <3 ).
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Réactions : Miss Prism
18 Janvier 2012
4 252
27 077
5 744
Hi girls :hello:
(it is so weird to speak in English)

One of the student I'm tuoring asked me a few words last night when we wet, and I would need some advices.

We talked about Back to the future (the film) and I couldn't find a translation for "machine à remonter le temps" which is ... time machine. Same thing with "braquer" ... a hold-up ! :yawn:
I forgot "une heure de colle" was an hour's detention andd I didn't know "le code" was the highway code. I love this tutoring class, I always learn something :cretin:

My questions: last night, I was wondering if in english we would rather use "panda" or "panda bear" and I found the 2 answers this morning on the internet. Another question: would you rather use "rescuer" or "first-aid worker" to explain you've done a training ?

By the way, I was quite proud of him. His english improved so well even if we haven't seen each other in about a month. He worked by himself and could understand me when I asked questions, I was pretty amazed. He doesn't hesitate as much as the last time, it's starting to be fluent :joy:

Thank you all and have a good day :banana:
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Réactions : olaflor
19 Novembre 2015
2 884
Hi girls! I don't know what I could talk about, but I would say that I really need to read, write and talk more in English because I'm loosing it, little by little!! That's quite scary! So thank you for creating this topic :)
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Réactions : Berserker
2 Octobre 2014
3 694
Hello !
I'm new on this topic and I really need to improve my english, I think that this discussion could be a really good way to learn new things :) I didn't spoke (?) english since two years and now I have to read an article quite complicated with technical vocabulary for my studies. I'm sad to see how hard is it for me, whereas I had a pretty good level two years ago.
Also, I have a really bad accent and I don't know how to improve it ! Any idea ? I always watch my series and movies in vostfr but it doesn't change anything .. :erf:

Thank you,
kiss kiss :jv:
11 Décembre 2013
1 174
6 988
4 174
@Gwennig I would advise removing the subtitles from your movies, I truly improved once I started trying to understand everything by myself =)
As for your accent, mine is pretty bad as well (my canadian roommates tease me a lot) so I can't really help. As long as it doesn't keep you from communicating (some words' meaning can change drastically because of some pronunciation mishap, some others are just cuter/funnier with a French accent), I don't think it's that big of a deal tho.
Dernière édition :
  • Big up !
Réactions : olaflor et Gwennig
7 Août 2015
@lele3383 Hello nice to meet you :) I don't know what to talk about...
I speak English rarely since I am graduated from school, i would love practice my English there :langue:
I saw The Suffragettes in English recently. I am not used to hear...British accent (?) so i looked often the subtitles during the film :tears:

Nice to meet you as well :) You already speak well ;)
The secret is to try to practice more or at least constantly ;)
11 Décembre 2013
1 174
6 988
4 174
@nerprun Perso' j'aurais mis
"I've been living in London since last year" & "I haven't spoken English for two years"
Je saurais pas l'expliquer par contre, je connais pas les noms des temps ... :ko: Donc c'est peut-être bien du present perfect :lol:

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