MadmoiZelle speaks English

12 Novembre 2014
2 944
Oh yeah, I haven't introduce myself. :lunette: I'm currently living in Canada since 10 month :vieux: (I was already fluent when I came here) and going back to France in little more than a month, I'm just here to be a grammar Nazi. :troll:
According to people here I have a unique accent ( :drama: ), it's not a french accent but people can hear I'm not from here. :dunno: (and yeah, I'm proud of it if you were wondering :v: )
30 Juin 2008
4 654
Hi! :hello: So happy to see this topic this morning! I used to be good in English but now i try to learn Dutch and i feel my English's skills going far away. Talking and reading in English isn't really a problem but writing is a little bit more difficult, i hope solving this issue here with you girls;). To introduce myself, I'm Vio, a 23 years old girl (in less than a month) and I'm studying journalism in Liège. I love English more than my own native language :puppyeyes: ! To share something with you, I will move in with my boyfriend in less than a week and it makes me soooo nervous
that I have to think about something else or i will soon be mad. Nice to meet you girls :taquin:


Je suis faillible, mais je suis capable.
18 Août 2010
16 457
91 573
7 169
Hi :happy:
I'm more likely to post on the Right this second topic than here but I just wanted to give a friendly reminder to you all :ninja:
Can you please not use "girls" when you mean to hail everyone here? Cause not everyone identifies as a girl - think of trans men and non-binary fellows among us :fleur:
(Come and see the Pirates du genre topic if you wanna find out more about non-binary genders and all their friends!)

Thank you so much :jv:
7 Juillet 2015
4 046
@Supervanwho You're welcome! :d
About "to" and "for":
"To" is use for a transfer or exchange , as in " I"ll send this letter to mary", it's use when you talk about a destination "I'm going to london" ( see that as a transfer of your person from a place to another), "to" is use after a verb when you're talking about a goal "Sorry, I must go, I want to catch my friends", it's also used before a verb to indicate the infinitive or to change the sense of some verbs (here you have to know the form).

"For" is use to talk about a benefit, as in your sentence "thank you for the solutions" it's not a goal nor a verb , it's about a benefit you get: "the solutions". So you use "for". Your sentence was correct. :) For is also use to mark a duration: "I worked there for six years." To talk about a goal :" She comes for you" (elle vient pour toi) if you used "to": "She comes to you" you mean " elle vient à toi". It also can be use to change the sens of a verb.

I'm not sure to be clear... :erf:
Here are two lessons: this one is in french and this one is in english. They don't explain it the same way so you might want to try each one.

But honestly I do think that the best way to learn english grammar and sentences structures is to read a lot. Then you will see the way it's written , and the more you see it the more you learn it and understand it, even without noticing it. I warmly suggest that you try to read the most thing you can in english, it's the best way to get familiar with the grammar. You can try to read short articles about subjects you like on the web , or try to find English tales or short story. You said you're not good in english but i don't really know your current level, so you can adjust, but children stories might be a good start.

@Tératogène Thank you for your intervention, I didn't dare to do it. :fleur:
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