MadmoiZelle speaks English

24 Juin 2016
The funny thing with music is when you've known this song for years and you "update" your knowledge of the lyrics each time you listen to it again after a break, because your English improved and you understand it a little better. I loved Linkin Park in middle school - like many middle schoolers - and even if I'm not much of a fan anymore I still listen to some of their songs once in a while. And each time I did it I had that "...oh" moment when I realized the lyrics are actually pretty far from what I thought they were :rire:
Oh yes, especially when you've been listening to rap music all along and you just loved theses amazing voices that seem so engaged and them it comes that suddenly you understand what they say, and the world is not the same anymore :crying:
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30 Novembre 2015
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Music is a great way to improve your English or any other foreign language.
My first impression is that it is true because listening singers with American accent helps us to accustom our ear. I agree, as long as we paid attention to what we listen.
Otherwise, we just hear some incomprehensible words. Actually, if we listen music several times, we will start to recognize some words but firstly, it will not help us.
Besides, even if we listen music a lot of time, at time we can also have a terrible accent (it's funny because sometimes, it is so natural to put the adjective before the verb that I hesitate, I wondering "Wait... is it in French that we but he adj before the verb or in English ?" XD). For example, my little sister always listen music (and watch TV shows in English) and her accent is very bad. Of course, this case is rare but I wanted to talk about it.

In brief
, in general, it helps us to listen music but in some case, we need other thing.

(Of course, my first position is "YES IF WE LISTEN MUSIC WE WILL PROGRESS" but next week, I have an exam in English and I wanted to develop some arguments to training me.)

Still concerning music, I want to talk about good things and bad things related to listening music.
First, when we listen music, we accustom our ear to American accent (like I said before) and it allows us to learn new words.
Secondly, listening music can make a boring activity good. I can changes our way of thinking.
Thirdly, we can create the vibes we want, with music. I think about Christmas : I love Christmas song and I think we should imitate American people (and English people), namely put Christmas songs in the street. I consider Christmas song as a big part of Christmas and I regret my family doesn't like :tears:
Listening music make us feel a lot of emotion and creates memories BUT that is the problem, the negative thing of listening music.
Due to the fact that I'm a very nostalgic girl (I have a complicated affinity with past), when I listen one music during a lot of time, I finish by crying when I listen this song. I don't like that, I would rather listening it without crying.

To put it in a nutshell, memories create by music is good, suppose we aren't a nostalgic person because this is very hard.
Dernière édition :
19 Décembre 2016
Hello! I'm ready to join the talk! If I do any mistake please correct me, I would like to improve my English. So, 2017 is coming... do you have any plan or wishes?

Currently I'm seriously thinking about studying at the University of Bucarest in Romania the next year after the high school.

Actually I'm living in France but I would like to explore new countries, especially less known ones. However it would be in English, without my family and friends (I won't know any people in the country). Also I don't have any romanian origins though I try to learn the language (well, I only know the present and the basics, my knowledge is not huge)

I'm pretty sure that it could be a fantastic experience (I will be 18 in january) and that I would be stronger than never after this travel, but tbh it sounds impressive too

Also I have some others projects too, like writing theater, have a better sexual life, continue sport...Well a lot of things, and you ? I'm sure you have a lot of stuff to do in 2017 !
Dernière édition :
19 Décembre 2016
@Bruxa I completely understand ! I am often lazy to post something here when I am on my phone even if I have something interesting to say :shifty:

@Ephectite I have so much plans for 2017 :dowant: First, I have planned a lot of travels. I am doing a road trip with my friends, starting tomorrow :dowant: We are going to drive along the Australian west coast and then go to Malaysia for one week.
And one of my biggest wish for 2017 is to find a job when I will be back to France (I am currently living in Australia) ! Not that easy to do but I really hope that I will find something quickly (mostely because I don't want to stay at my parents house too much time when I will be back:yawn: so I need money to afford an appartment)

What about you ? Any plans or wishes ?

Wow it looks fun as hell ! How old are you ?
19 Décembre 2016
Hey! I'm currently a second year student on a Euro-American campus, which means I get to speak English (and write freaking long essays in this language as well) on a daily basis! Basically, most of us are international students + all of our classes are taught in English, so I thought I might be of some help! I can correct some of your mistakes if you want even if 1) you're doing quite fine tbh! and 2) I'm not a native and I suck at grammar, so I'm not a teacher either haha!

@Bruxa: these projects sound dope! I would NEVER have dared studying in another country for my first year of college, being on my own was terrifying enough :rire: But it's definitely interesting, and even more challenging if you don't really speak the language! (Best way ever to improve btw)
Why Romania precisely? :)

Wow, so you have probably good skills in english. Please correct me when I make mistakes or say wrong things. I would like to meet strangers as well ! Where is your campus ?

Yeah, that's a challenge, but a fear at the same time. I never travelled in this country. If I do something stupid, there is litterally no help : It's kinda walk or die. But I'm sure I'm able to do well, and I must not fear.

Romania ? The price of the beer...I meant the culture, of course ! Joke aside. because I want to be able to speak 4 languages first, then because East Europa is kinda unexplored earth for me, finally because the culture of the country is interesting.

@Bruxa Wow you are pretty brave to leave everything you know to go study in another country! I would like to live at least a year in a foreign country but I don't think that I would be able to do the same way you do...
@Pamphletine Banks. If you see some mistakes, I'll be happy if you correct it :)

Oh don't put me on a pedestal, first I'm not sure and this is just a pure possibility. In reality even if it's a jump on a dark hole, the main problem is not me, it is the cost. It is kinda expensive even if Romania has a low cost of the life. So we will see.

I can also do an Erasmus, it's less expensive, we will study both.
19 Décembre 2016
@Bruxa I really hope for you that it is going to work out! :) What studies do you wanna do?

Geography I think. It's a pure passion.

But also I could do a litterary class, try things like MAE (Foreign Policy) or even study History.

Something between Politics, Geography, History or a cursus in litterature. And you ?
19 Décembre 2016
Well... I'm still in high school, in 1S and I don't really know what I wanna do... but I know what I don't want! (For instance, I don't wanna go to med school unlike most of my classmates). But I think about architect or marketing, I still have a year to think about it.

Well good luck haha, I'm so awful in matematics ! I'm sure you can do what you want :)

Btw, happy new year. La multi ani !
3 Juin 2016
2 904
Hi there and happy new year to all of you ! If possible, I'd like to join this discussion :)
I'm currently a highschool student in 1S, and I'd like to ,sort of ,"train" my english, so if you spot any mistake please tell me :happy:
@Ephectite my plans for 2017 are : begining to learn russian ( and the basics of arab with an algerian student ), passing the french bac and TPE with good grades, discovering new things ( like musics, choreographies,books, films...). What about yours ?
3 Juin 2016
2 904
@Ephectite well our TPE is about diabetes ( by the way we are doing it in english) and how replacing sucrose (saccharose) by sucralose is a good option for diabetic people who still want to taste sugar from time to time ( by eating pastries, etc ...) . We had troubles finding the theme ( at first I wanted to study fruit's cells decay, how it rots and why, but one of my partners didn't like it so we had to change a countless number of times...) . What is yours about ?
  • Big up !
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