MadmoiZelle speaks English


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Was it difficult ? And why did you do it ?

I can't say if it was difficult or not, actually I don't remember. We had classes before to get used to the way exercices had do be done.

I did it kind of "for fun". I was sixteem, had a good level of english and wanted to "extend it a little bit". (And I was bored durong english classes.)

Now I'm 23 and my english has become such a meeeeeesss. :mur:
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Réactions : Selby
17 Décembre 2014
I can't say if it was difficult or not, actually I don't remember. We had classes before to get used to the way exercices had do be done.

I did it kind of "for fun". I was sixteem, had a good level of english and wanted to "extend it a little bit". (And I was bored durong english classes.)

Now I'm 23 and my english has become such a meeeeeesss. :mur:

Oh yes, you were in an European section, right ? A friend did this exam too. It is special for schools. In my school, pupils from European section can sit it too :) But I'm not in an European section, so I have to sit the "normal" one.
3 Septembre 2010
1 715
4 894
@Selby you should try the C1. I had to take the test in my first year of high school (european section) and it was really easy ^^ My teacher asks for the B1 test and I got really high results in everything according to the paper I got. I think I should have passed the B2 test instead if I had had the choice.

I think the Cambridge test can be useful when you applied for a university degree as it uses the CECR levels common in the educational system of european countries. But TOEFL and TOEIC are more useful for jobs / internship and sometimes required by universities too.
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Réactions : Selby
3 Juillet 2013
1 224
To begin a new subject I have a question :

What is your favorite English accent and the worst for your ears/ the one you have the more difficulties to understand ?
For me my favorite accent it is the Scottish accent, I LOVE IT <3 Even without want it, after a short journey in Scotland I took it a little bit doing the R like Scottish people (result I lost points in English oral in the University because is not properly English...) and I love the accents of the men in Peaky Blinder; somebody know to what part of UK it from ?
And for me the worth accent it is the India accent, even when I really try I never understand it ! ><'

And for the eternal question : you prefer American or English accent ?
I prefer the American one :P English accent is too much bourgeois to me and I think it is more easier to understand the American accent (except from the Texas and some states of the South!)
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Réactions : Selby et Belle-de-nuit
3 Septembre 2010
1 715
4 894
@Kaindaty I prefer all British accents over the American ones. I think I have been associating the American accents with the movie and music industries (+ "internet" accent) therefore it became a "default / neutral" accent for me. By comparison, the British accents still seem more exotic (and sexy) and are sure to attract my attention ! And I write in British English whenever Word is not changing my spelling for me ^^
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Réactions : Selby et Numbiedumbie
4 Mars 2014
11 344
43 879
5 604
My favorite accent : Scottish, obviously ! Best. Accent. Ever. :drama:

American or English accent ? English is actually a lot easier to understand. RP seems very posh even to British people so not RP but general English accent is very nice to the ear. General American accent is a bit dull to my taste :cretin:
  • Big up !
Réactions : Selby et Kaindaty
17 Décembre 2014
My favorite accents are all the British accents, I could not choose ! But I love how English (either British or American) sounds, in every instance :cretin:
But I still prefer the English accent over the American one, because I reaaaally love British litterature (even if I like the American one too!) and I'm utterly fond of England (especially London) and its inhabitants :loveeyes: (and I plan to get married with a British man :drama:)
11 Janvier 2015
1 202
6 167
2 074
What is your favorite English accent and the worst for your ears/ the one you have the more difficulties to understand ?
My favorite has some scottish accent, but not too thick otherwise I just can't understand them. Scottish brogue is lulling. I'm also going to mention how hard it is to understand the Geordie accent, but then even the British have a hard time understanding it.
So far, one of the weirdest for my ear has been from New-Zealand.

And for the eternal question : you prefer American or English accent ?
British RP is really nice to the ear!

@Kaindaty : whaddya mean you're losing point at university for having a different accent? They do realise that not everyone can speak BBC English, right?

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