MadmoiZelle speaks English

3 Juillet 2013
1 224
The Scottish accent is very popular :d !

@Sarah the Ninja I have also some big difficulties to understand New-Zealand accent, but maybe it is because I almost never hear it...
Yes they are so annoying about that, all students must speak such like a BBC presenter... So once time I said "In contrast" with a "R" wery accented like in Scottish (even if that doesn't was my intention) and I lost 2 points of pronunciation in the same way when students speak to much with a French accent (they are in particular strict with the words in "TH" = souTH, THe)
11 Janvier 2015
1 202
6 167
2 074
I get why the "th" would be important. Oh well, for now, force yourself to speak RP then you can switch back to whatever you prefer later. There's no way around snobs anyway!
What year are you?
4 Mars 2014
11 344
43 879
5 604
Every university is the same, it seems. Some of my professors were so ridiculous, not even accepting general American instead of RP. Truth is, RP is not the most spoken accent, and the BBC even starts to hire people with a different accent than RP.
Now I just don't give a s*** anymore haha. No matter how hard I tried, I understood half of the accentuation rules so I'll never speak RP, and I just accepted my fate :cretin:
3 Juillet 2013
1 224
I am in second year of LEA english/japanese and in English they want that in first year students are already bilingue with a perfect properly English ... -.-
But Yes as soon as I am in abroad I completely don't care what about teachers said, in particular about the French accent because in UK or US each times people said they love my accent, that it is SEXY X)
4 Mars 2014
11 344
43 879
5 604
@Kaindaty well, the thing is, depending on what you intend to do afterwards, you do have to lose the French accent. For example, teachers/professors cannot teach and talk with a French accent, it's just not possible. I personnally don't care because I do not have to talk in a professional context but to read and write.
11 Janvier 2015
1 202
6 167
2 074
@Kaindaty well, the thing is, depending on what you intend to do afterwards, you do have to lose the French accent. For example, teachers/professors cannot teach and talk with a French accent, it's just not possible. I personnally don't care because I do not have to talk in a professional context but to read and write.
Where did you see that rule? because I know people who are teaching with some really thick eastern european accents, and I once had a uni lecturer with an indian accent I could barely make out.
22 Novembre 2014
1 235
1 294
Bourg-Palette (tmtc)
Hi !
I'm not really new on this topic but last time i was really bad in english because i didn't know conjugate. Now, i think that its better but anyway ! I understand write english but i don't know how speak in english (i choose the bad word, bad verb.. So it's still difficult for me but i'll try to do my best in my studies and my english.german for to be proficient.

I saw the last comment. You spoke about accent, i love the American accent ! I don't understand when the British or British teacher speak to me XD ! It's very stange, i know because in many cases it's unlike.

Sorry if i made mistake in my text ! I'm still a novice :goth:.

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