madmoiZelle speaks English : atelier débat

18 Septembre 2011
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@Mrs Heisenberg: well I do all of that but I really miss having conversations. I think that's what really helps your English. So I'm hoping I can find some English-speaking group or something to maintain a good level...
8 Mars 2014
lilly-lou;4717553 a dit :
Oh my God, I'm glad meeting a female who actually likes "Viking"! This show is clearly not popular enough, the characters constatly change except for Ragnar, and I think it makes the show quite real about human nature confronting/facing power. And there are a couple bad-assfemale characters :attaque:(Lagertha ! <3)
I love Lagertha ! She is so cool ! <3
26 Novembre 2012
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 If nobody correct us we aren't going to improve our english =)

Actually I'm watching Lost Girl / GoT and Viking !
It's true, we can't improve ourselves without help ;) so :

When you say "Actually" you can't mean "en ce moment"
It's more like " en fait "
15 Février 2014
undefined a dit :
I hope i didn't write silly things :erf:  I study english at college, but we do high scool things... Actually, we just watch videos and the teacher ask us some questions like "who are the characters ?", " What do they do ?", "Why" ? So... Im really interested in that topic, it could help me a lot ! I love english, i got no problems to understand (thanks to tv shows), but it's more difficult to express myself. I don't think i will progress in college...

When I went in England 4 years ago to be an aupair, I suddently realised that everything I learned were nothing more than bullshits^^ I had really bad teachers all over my college and highschool, and I learned a really formal english because of that (I'm not saying that it's bad, but in the end nobody speaks like that in real life)
I really think that the best way to learn is to listen, and talk, and read... In the laguage you want to learn, and with native speacker it's the best^^

For those who want to be an aupair, I'll give an advice nobody gave me before to go, choose really carefully your family. My experience was absolutly horrible, and hated it. I only stayed 4 months, because the mum was a witch. She hates her son, and acts badly with him every fucking day, she has the biggest obcession about botox I've ever seen in my life, and she stopped paying me after2 weeks. If I didn't paid the foodshop the little children would have ate nothing... So clearly, choose your family with all the precautions you can
21 Septembre 2009
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8 544
It was supposed to be a debate topic, but since you're speaking English (that was the goal) and debating (about how we could debate : I find this point very funny :yawn: ), as far as I'm concerned the goal is achieved :) If/when the conversation starts to die and you want to keep on talking, feel free to build on the previously posted themes !
21 Septembre 2011
mrs-heisenberg;4717887 a dit :
petitplat;4717588 a dit :
mrs-heisenberg;4717446 a dit :
I agree about the communication aspect, but I'd just add that there are rules to be understood; if not respected, the communication becomes difficult because what is written is partly or quite ununderstandable. :erf: I know how that sounds, I don't mean to offense anyone of course, just draw the attention on this problem.
Maybe if we quote the major mistakes of a post in bold letters, the writer could try to correct them on her own? And only then ask for help?

(Damn it, I said I wouldn't take part in the debate :facepalm:)

Maybe we're over-thinking this.
If someone says something that is not understandable - well we can just ask and clarify. :)
I meant in the case of a girl who'd like to be corrected, as I suggested earlier: 'Maybe those of you who want to be corrected can mention it at the end of their posts…'

I was referring to "Maybe if we quote the major mistakes of a post in bold letters, the writer could try to correct them on her own? And only then ask for help?"
But again, we'll just see how it goes :)

All that talk around the serie "Vikings" makes me want to watch it, so I just put it on my to do list :)

@Hawley I was thinking the same :d but hey, point achieved, so yaay! :d

@ktcole the more the merrier :) since the topic more or less transformed into an open discussion about books/movies/shows, I'd say dive in :)

@Glouns  you said you missed real conversation, do you mean talked ones? otherwise you might just need to find an english forum to chit chat. Any topic you fancy can be found ourdays :P

We just started to watch Real Humans, and we both like it very much, it's oddly touching and the story's quite rich as well.

@Doubleinfinity- ha! I always link the things I see to feminism too!
Most of the movies are complete garbage and women are still often showed as completely useless. That's why I love Daenerys and Arya in GoT so much :)

Although I noticed that TV shows are generally better off than movies. More women and often strong and inspiring ones as well :)
And there are a lot of TV shows with a woman as main character, you don't see that so much in movies - most are still around men.
21 Septembre 2011
mrs-heisenberg;4720065 a dit :
@petitplat Yes I know, let me start all over again. I meant that, if a girl wants to be corrected, she can mention it at the end of her message, and first her major mistakes could be quoted in bold letters, so that she could try to correct them on her own, and then only we could help her. But it's just a suggestion.
aaaah! Now I got it :d
*feeling really slow* hehe
yes that's a brilliant idea!
21 Septembre 2011
doubleinfinity-;4720281 a dit :
@PetitPlat    After reading what you wrote, i tried to find movies where women are not just seen as objects. And... it's hard to get. But if you ask somebody about superheroes movies, you will have plenty of answers in just 5 sec' ! :erf:
I recently watched Top of the lake, it's very great and brilliant.
I also like Äkta människor, Bea is a pretty interesting character. :happy:
And yes, you really should start Vikings, maybe just for the music !

I think im just so overwhelmed by the society we live in... I see eveything with my "feminist glasses" :confused:  Maybe i've become an embittered person who seeS evil everywhere.

Can someone please correct my mistakes ?  I'd be grateful, i'm losing my english because of the crap we do at college... :fleur:

aaah the ugly head of perfectionism :d
You are perfectly understandable and you write way better than many of my artists friends who work exclusively in English (just saying)

I just underlined what could be re-phrased, so you can think about it.

And for "feminist glasses".
I'd say

"I see everything through the eyes of a feminist."

And me too most of the time :) but I'm not overly bitter about it. It's just the way things are, so I do my bit to talk about the issues I'm seeing and also to encourage the good things. I haven't seen many good films anyway recently.
The last claimed super-film was gravity, and I found it rather bleak and boring. No scenario, nothing really new, just a woman and pretty pictures. I find it a bit sad that it go so much publicity, but at least it was all about a woman.

Bea is indeed fascinating!! I love her character and yeah I can't wait to see more of that show :d

Never heard of top of the lake, but after reading the wiki entry, I don't really feel like watching that one ^^'

Talking about women, 'Orange is the New Black' is not too bad, I watched the first season but then forgot about it. I don't really relate to the story and there's nothing supernatural in it hehe :rire:

And yes! I will watch Vikings :d :d
12 Janvier 2014
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petitplat;4720467 a dit :
I haven't seen many good films anyway recently.
The last claimed super-film was gravity, and I found it rather bleak and boring. No scenario, nothing really new, just a woman and pretty pictures. I find it a bit sad that it go so much publicity, but at least it was all about a woman.
Sorry for just popping in your conversation, didn't find any better way to start participating :ninja:.

What you said just reminded me of something. I've watched Gravity too and I basically share your opinion about it. I only wanted to add that it reminded me a lot of "Alien, the 8th passenger" starring Sigourney Weaver being the main badass female protagonist who is the only one finally making her way out of the spaceship escaping the Alien monster. Maybe it is just because both films have in common a main female character being quite isolated and facing difficulties and obstacles on their own through stories which take place in space :lol:.

But still, couldn't help to think about it, even though Sigourney Weaver's character's strength and strong personality were way more emphasized and that Alien deals at least partially with many various other topics such as class struggling for instance.
On the other hand,

Ce contenu est réservé aux membres Inscris-toi par ici.

... But maybe I am thinking too far here :yawn:


the idea of starting over a new debating thread in English just brightened my day ! That's indeed a great idea :)

When it comes about being corrected, let's just let people say whether they'd like their mistakes to be corrected or not, and putting any remarks/corrections under spoilers sounds a reasonable alternative to me ! ^^

Feel free to correct me if you notice everything, my english is far from being perfect :ninja:
Dernière édition :
13 Juillet 2011
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petitplat;4720467 a dit :
Talking about women, 'Orange is the New Black' is not too bad, I watched the first season but then forgot about it. I don't really relate to the story and there's nothing supernatural in it hehe :rire:
Maybe you'd like season 3 of American Horror Story? :) It's about witches, has a lot of great female characters, and I swear it's not scary, or not very much (I'm not very brave when it comes to horror movies, but I can watch this one after dark. 8) Unlike season 1 and 2. :fear:)
It can be pretty gore and twisted, though, but you might already know about it.

And it's not supernatural, but if you like sci-fi, have you tried to watch Orphan Black? I love it and it's also a show with great female characters, so it doesn't hurt your feminism! Reminds me I didn't watch last episode, that will be my plan for tonight! :happy:
11 Février 2012
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Le Mans
Hey there !

Well, actually, i wanted to read this topic as a "submarine" BUT, then a read stuffs such as "Lost Girl", "Orphan Black", and "Orange is the new black", so I guess I'm one of yours now.

 @Cyns How can you not focus while watching Lost Girl ? I might be dumb but,they are too many things going on for me to do something else during an ep.

@PetitPlat Orange Is the New Black has just one season so far, so you didn't miss anthing ;)

@Rosenrot_ American Horror Story is GOLD. But the 3rd season is my least favourite. I don't know why, but the season 2 was so freaking perfect/insane... Not sure they can do better.

Oh, and about girl's empowerment in tv shows, if you are into funny things, you may like Parks & Recreation, which is like The Office but starring Amy Poehler (<3)

(I REALLY want to improve my english, mostly for pleasure. I feel like i'm stuck on the same fucking level for years and it bores me to death.)
(If I may add this : corrections are great, even for those who are not actually corrected. We might be a lot to do the same mistakes. :) )

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