Lena Dunham a perdu une nouvelle occasion de se taire.
Lena Dunham Opens Up About Lesbian Sister While Accepting Point Foundation Award For LGBT Advocacy
Donc, déjà une femme blanche cisgenre hétéro qui reçoit un prix pour son engagement pour les droits LGBT+. Déjà.
Mais le pire, c'est son discours :
"It was actually a huge disappointment for me, when I came of age and realized that I was sexually attracted to men," Dunham quipped. "So when my sister came out, I thought, 'Thank God, someone in this family can truly represent my passions and beliefs.'"
Traduction :
Lena Dunham Opens Up About Lesbian Sister While Accepting Point Foundation Award For LGBT Advocacy
Donc, déjà une femme blanche cisgenre hétéro qui reçoit un prix pour son engagement pour les droits LGBT+. Déjà.
Mais le pire, c'est son discours :
"It was actually a huge disappointment for me, when I came of age and realized that I was sexually attracted to men," Dunham quipped. "So when my sister came out, I thought, 'Thank God, someone in this family can truly represent my passions and beliefs.'"
Traduction :
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