Mais j'ai pas compris ce qu'iel à voulu dire si quelqu'un veut me le direEllen’s journey to “explorewhat it means to be lesbian, gay, bi, or trans” is in fact a journey to impose what it means, then call that meaning “evidence” in order to affirm a more palatable political ordering: a global gay subject whose humanity is constituted by a recognizable sexual orientation, gender identity, nuclear family and affective investments in happiness, optimism, and love.
his article lost any credibility it had when it insinuated that the self-admittedly straight (they apparently say it in the episode) women who fetishize gay male relationships (which, often, are sexually violent (like the rape scene in the episode) and/or pedophilic) are an oppressed sexually minority.
As an ACTUAL queer Japanese woman who had to remain explicitly closeted for my own safety until I came to America for school I want to say a big FUCK YOU for that one.
At least Ellen put forth an effort into understanding the idiosyncrasies of queer life around the world and giving us a platform. This article blatantly ignores fact in order to argue it's point. This feels less like a nuanced critique of the show and more like a straight white woman trying to prove she isn't like those Other White Women. And, in the end coming across as a homophobe with a vocabulary that's completely unaccessible to anyone whose parents couldn't afford to pay for them to major in women's studies at their mostly white ivy league college.
And, once again, FUCK YOU, for insinuating that the straight women whose fetish is complicit in my oppression are actually being oppressed by people like me refusing to be okay with their shit.