@Saint-Lucq : Pour résumer, CC à été d'abord viré pour être tombée enceinte. Ensuite, JW à invité l'actrice à revenir en lui promettant qu'à défaut d'être un personnage principal, elle pourrait être un personnage récurrent. L'actrice ne voulait pas revenir si son personnage mourrait et elle ne l'a appris qu'au dernier moment.
Ce qui m'a posé problème dans Buffy c'est la façon dont il a traité Faith. Ça ne me dérangeait pas qu'elle une antagoniste, mais c'est la façon dont sa sexualité est critiqué qui me dérange.
Le fait qu'il parle de Willow comme étant un personnage gay contribue à l'effacement des personnes bi. Willow est bisexuelle. Dans les comics, Buffy a des relations sexuelles avec une femme : JW à dit qu'elle experimentait refusant encore une fois l'existence de la bisexualité.
Je pourrais faire un joli pavé sur la relation Spike/Buffy et la façon problématique dont ça a été traité. La tentative de viol de Spike a seulement eu des conséquences sur lui, rien n'est montré du côté de Buffy qui lui pardonne dans qu'on connaisse son ressenti.
Je viens d'apprendre que JW avait planifié pour Firefly, un viol multiple ("gang rape) des ravageurs sur Inara qui est une Tds.
Voici globalement ce qui lui est reproché (en anglais):
Criticizing Joss Whedon’s problematic writing choices does not translate to hate.
Also, word of advice, if you want people to stop accusing you of being racist or sexist, then you might want to stay away from the following:
- Having the lead female protagonist of your show almost raped by her love interest and then have the showrunner praise the rapist as being his favorite character and having the best character development (Spike, Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Plan to have a prostitute gang raped to feed into the character development of her male love interest (Inara, Firefly)
- Have a show that heavily features Asian culture and religions, but then fail to cast any Asian actors (Firefly)
- Claim that having Asian actors was unnecessary because one of your white actors “kind of looked Asian.” (Summer Glau, Firefly)
- Fire your lead actress for getting pregnant and then spend the next season shitting all over her character (Charisma Carpenter, Angel)
- Inviting that lead actress to come back to the show, promising her that she’ll stick around until the final episode, only to turn around and kill her character off at the last moment as revenge (Charisma Carpenter, Angel)
- Creating the single most racist depiction of a black female character by making her violent, savage, animalistic and so dumb that she isn’t even able to speak, and then reveal that the way she became the first slayer, was by having a group of old men force a demon into her body without her consent (The First Slayer, Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Have one of the most popular female superheroes referred to as a “cunt” by the main villain (Natasha Romanoff, Avengers)
- Claim that because a female character was unable to have children, that she was considered a monster (Natasha Romanoff, Avengers: Age of Ultron)
- Taking one of the strongest female superheroes in the MCU and turning her into an outlet for her male love interest to pour his man angst all over and then completely dump her in the end without any expression of gratitude for all she did for him (Natasha Romanoff, Avengers: Age of Ultron)
- Have one of the most popular superheroes in the MCU joke about raping women (Tony Stark, Avengers: Age of Ultron)
- Feature two characters who were originally of Jewish-Romani descent and then have them whitewashed by hiring white actors to play them (Wanda Maximoff and Pietro Maximoff, Avengers: Age of Ultron)
- Having two Jewish-Romani characters volunteer for a Nazi organization, despite the fact that Jewish and Romani people were victims of the Holocaust (Wanda Maximoff and Pietro Maximoff, Avengers: Age of Ultron)
- Have the audacity to redefine feminism and re-brand it because he found feminism distasteful.
- Constantly using the “break the cutie” trope to punish his supposedly “strong female characters.” (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, Avengers: Age of Ultron)
- Using the threat of sexual violence against his lead female protagonists on multiple occasions (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, Avengers)
Ça ne veut pas dire qu'il est nul mais je pense qu'il reste ignorant sur certains aspects du féminisme et des personnages féminins et ça se ressent dans l'écriture.